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Layers as Nodes

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Layers as Nodes

Mon Jul 24, 2017 9:21 am
Hi all :)

I have a, maybe radical, suggestion. Not sure if this is the right place.
I would like to have an extra option for the layers window, a nodes editor like Blender3D and that most 3D programs uses.

The layers menu as it is now is vertical organized in a style all 2d paint/photo programs use. If it's Gimp, PS, Krita, etc. it's all the same so this is not a Krita only problem for me.
I am very bad in finding back my layers and filters as soon as I have more than 2 layers even though I name my layers and/or give them colors. Even with the keyboard shortcut "r" I often get lost. If I color my layers I sometimes can't see which layer is selected due to all the colored layers. I mostly end up flattening my layers and then hit my head because I have just flattened my mask too that I really could have used again. As most artists are visually oriented I could imagine more people get headaches with the layers systems.

Krita already has drag/drop layers and copy/paste layers/filters functionality, it would be nice to do that in some kind of window "editor". Also connecting the nodes to one another.... that would be great :-) Maybe only a "view" window for layers?
I know Blender and Krita are two different beasts but Blender's node editor is great. You have the option to use the old style menu, the node editor or both. It just makes everything visually organized and more clear. It doesn't have to be super sophisticated.

I know this may seem a radical or even a stupid and/or an impossible suggestion and I know the Krita developers have enough to do but this has been on my wishlist for a long time. It would set Krita apart from most classic 2D programs.

For people not knowing what I am talking about, a link to Blender3D docs explaining nodes: ... ction.html
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Re: Layers as Nodes

Mon Jul 24, 2017 9:28 am
You're not the first to suggest it. While the layer tree could be represented as node graph, it's not quite a node system like in Blender or Natron. Now that we've got python scripting in the master branch, nothing stops anyone from creating a node editor in Python, maybe using QGraphicsView or something like that :-)
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Re: Layers as Nodes

Mon Jul 24, 2017 10:19 am
Glad to hear about the python scripting. Sad thing all I could achieve in Python is 1 + 1 = ?

Hope a Python crack steps up for this fine opportunity.
All Python developers please line up here :-)
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Re: Layers as Nodes

Fri Jul 28, 2017 1:46 am
snapper wrote:Glad to hear about the python scripting. Sad thing all I could achieve in Python is 1 + 1 = ?

Hope a Python crack steps up for this fine opportunity.
All Python developers please line up here :-)

Take a snapshot of my QR avatar lol. or just go to to get you started with python.

If you'd be willing to fund some of the development, some of the folks over at might be willing to get you rolling with a basic node-editor gui in python.
You could ask there and tell them what you need. I'm not real familiar with blenders ui codebase, but I know it is custom drawn. Not sure if it is in C++ or Python, but I use Python for the blender addons.
After all Blender is open source too, so looking at the code would provide at least an idea of how it should be drawn. After that, I wouldn't know what to do with it as a layer system... ??? Layer Nodes sound like a neat idea tho.


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