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[Suggestion] Further extending the new Reference Tool

Tags: reference tool, krita 4.1 reference tool, krita 4.1 reference tool, krita 4.1
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The new reference tool is amazing, I love it and use it a lot. But I have a few things that I wish would be possible.
No worries, this isn't a "But Program X can do that" ;D

  • Adding reference pictures without saving them before. Just copy & paste them while the reference tool is active and they get added in as reference instead of a layer.
  • Add a way to cut away parts of the reference image, similar to cropping it.
  • The references are visible when they overlap with the canvas and you export your painting. (No longer happens for me, maybe it was random)

Last edited by bloodywing on Thu Oct 04, 2018 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Registered Member
Hello !

I was having the same ideas about the Reference Tool, and I would like to add other suggestions :

- Sometimes there is a bug when you mirror the image (to look at it with fresh eyes while painting for example) and the reference picture isn't mirrored as well... This is annoying, so it would be really great to fix it
- Pretty often I would like to "pin" my reference image on the screen so it doesn't move at all when I zoom or move the canvas


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