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Install on Mac OS

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Install on Mac OS

Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:32 am
How do I install Krita on Mac OS X?
I haven't found any installation downloads
on disk image to install this program.
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Re: Install on Mac OS

Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:14 am
It's a long time since I last built Krita on OSX. I don't have an apple computer anymore so it became impossible to check whether Krita still compiles on OSX. There are no binaries or installation packages: what we need is someone with a mac who is willing to build krita, fix problems and package it. Until we've got a volunteer, there will be no packages, I'm afraid.
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Re: Install on Mac OS

Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:24 pm
How different is compiling on a mac, to compiling on Linux? I have no experience with Macs (at least not for 10 years or so), but I wonder if the compile script could be modified to work. ???

If someone has access to a mac, I'd be curious to see what the output was of the command "cat /etc/issue"...
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KDE Developer

Re: Install on Mac OS

Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:04 am
Compiling was quite similar, but getting the dependencies installed was very difficult, a couple of years ago. Some things, like the KDE file dialog never worked correctly even. And the KDE OSX mailing list is awfully quiet nowadays...
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Re: Install on Mac OS

Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:52 pm
boudewijn wrote:Compiling was quite similar, but getting the dependencies installed was very difficult, a couple of years ago. Some things, like the KDE file dialog never worked correctly even. And the KDE OSX mailing list is awfully quiet nowadays...

As much as I loathe Apple with a passion, I'm still sad to hear this. Ah well. I'm still thrilled that we have a Windows version on the horizon (not for me, although I'll probably dig out my old XP disk to test it), but to be able to promote Krita to the wider art world.
Registered Member

Re: Install on Mac OS

Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:32 am
You don't need a Mac to write code for OS X.

Adobe AIR combines Flash and a Web browser to let programmers build standalone software that runs on any system with the underlying AIR "runtime" that executes the software. It's cross-platform technology, meaning for example that separate versions of Krita don't need to be rewritten for OS X and Windows.

Read more: ... z1PtRfWw5N

Unfortunately, Adobe no longer develops AIR for Linux but the Linux community may be able to come up with an alternative.

Cross platform apps are the future. You no longer have to develop applications for each individual platform.
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KDE Developer

Re: Install on Mac OS

Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:41 am
We already use a cross platform framework to develop Krita: Qt + KDE. However, in order to create the binaries for OSX we need a mac. And I wouldn't want to send out Krita to OSX users without having tested Krita on that platform. I know that when I had a mac two years ago, I needed to do quite a bit of tweaking to make Krita look native enough.
KDE Developer

Re: Install on Mac OS

Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:17 pm
There are several reasons why we can use air: Krita is already write for Qt/KDE so that would mean a complete rewrite, air isn't available for Linux, it's closed source, it would lead to back performance ...
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Re: Install on Mac OS

Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:05 pm
Hey! Maybe "we" (ok, I can't code a line) should rewrite Krita from scratch in Java! That's open source *and* available on Linux!!! :P

(ok, maybe I'm not really being *entirely* serious...)

Last edited by Kubuntiac on Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Install on Mac OS

Thu Jul 14, 2011 2:51 am
Hi -

I am attempting to set up a KDE/Krita development environment on my Mac. I am familiar with Qt and have successfully rebuilt qt-kde on Lion. Following the docs closely, kdesupport and kdeplatform builds are completing successfully. Oooof what a chore! I have a Lion GM preview and macports kde4 breaks in many places. But I've gotten as far as successfully building kdesupport, debase, kderuntime, kdelibs etc... I'm new to KDE on Mac and have the following (noob) questions:

1 - all Qt applications run fine for me on Lion. However the KDE application bundles in /Applications/KDE4 all fail. Were they meant to run native on the desktop or is X11 a requirement? Am I missing something here? Do I need a full KDE desktop and workspace to run Calligra "creative" applications (Krita and Karbon)? I thought native/Quartz/Aqua compatibility was a new Krita feature?

2 - The Calligra requirements state that only qt 4.6+,kdelibs,kdebase/kderuntime,lc's,eigen etc...are needed for Krita. Is that still the case?

3- I built qt-kde with full webkit support. This considerably lengthens my builds even though I am on an 8 core MacPro. I guess I shouldn't complain too much since it builds in less than 15 minutes (I know I'm lucky...), but I'd like to target all of this towards the minimal requirement to build Karbon and Krita only. Not too interested in the rest of the office apps for the moment.

3- how does one invoke the Calligra apps installed in /Applications/kde4? I've adjusted the DYLD_LIB paths accordingly (for some reason they we'rent set up correctly in the bundle) in the .shell contents, but the apps still hang or crash...

4- my kbuilsycoca4 complains about missing mime types even though I've installed shared-mimo and updated my system. It chokes on the .desktop files. I have XDG... variables unset and KDEHOME set correctly to my $HOME/kde/.kde

- dbus is launchtl'ed fine and is set up to launch on restart

I know that Mac OSX compatibility is not a top priority for you guys now. So I would like to contribute by developing a dependable and reproducible toolchain on OS X that others can follow. Along the way, I am also building and testing on Lion which should be of value to some. I offer my services to document all of this along the way... I already have a lot of build tips to pass on this platform...

I have crash reports and other related material available if you can lend a hand.

Thanks in advance, Patrice
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Re: Install on Mac OS

Thu Jul 14, 2011 3:39 am
Wow. It really looks like Krita 2.4 is going to be spreading platforms... with the Windows version being worked on, a nightly PPA for *buntu users, the compile script maturing for other Linuxes and now work on the Mac version! While not a Mac user myself, this is a very welcome development. Thankyou for spearheading it!
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KDE Developer

Re: Install on Mac OS

Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:27 am
Hi Patrice!

I managed to run Krita on OSX some years ago -- it never worked perfectly, the file dialog never really worked. Anyway, let's see what I can remember about it.

1: kde apps are supposed to run native, without X11, using the native version of Qt. Note that there are two options: Qt with cocoa or Qt with carbon. Cocoa is supposed to be the best, but two years ago at least, it had some problems with font rendering. You don't need the workspace.

2: yes, the requirements list is still correct. you could expand it with opengtl (which needs llvm) but that's not necessary.

3: webkit isn't needed

3: ah... that's the tricky one. I don't really remember, there was some trickery needed some time ago. Best ask on

4: that's probably not a problem -- kbuildsycoca always spits out reams of warnings

All your effort is very much appreciated! It's exactly what the project needs.
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Re: Install on Mac OS

Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:38 am
Wow! Such a quick reply! Ok I am definitely up for "contributing" to this community in any way shape or form. Especially with such attention from the master himself! ;-)

Right after I posted (just registered on this forum) I headed over to the mac section and learned some more... so I kinda answered my own question 1 and 4.

- glad to see Qt Webkit is not necessary - I hate "bloat" - how about sql plugins(either lite or my...)
- my qt is built for quartz
- I think the font rendering has been fixed by now - then again I don't have a working app yet (sigh!)
- Apple has a new llvm 3.0 compiler that sports super fast compiles, a clang front end, and new libc++ '0x compliance - very neat - it ships with the new Xcode 4.2 for IOS 5 - will test builds with it once I get over this hump! (Geez) The Objective-C features (especially automatic reference counting are a revolution also!) trying to be methodical and disciplined about this ;-)
- I'm a Mac geek so eventually would like to try using Xcode 4.2 as my primary IDE. Will see what the latest CMake -G spits out soon. Interesting challenge.
- I wish the macports kde4 and qt for mac didn't currently break on Lion (at least for me). Would save some time. I could try and fix that, but I like doing things the pig-headed hard way, I find I learn more anyway. Also tried Fink for a quick and dirty kde office environment, but it's not yet Lion ready.

I think tuning and improving the Mac install is definitely warranted. I do some "pro bono" work on other great C++ open source projects like Cinder and have dabbled with Gimp (yuck) and a variety of OSX/ iOS applications. My interests lie squarely in mathematics and image processing so I'd like to explore integrating the Mac CoreImage library functions and more GPU math "smarts" in Krita and Karbon. I want performance! ;-). Any tips and recommended areas where you feel I can contribute the most are appreciated. I have fast machines and like to test and hack also, when my day job permits ... this keeps me sane...

By the way, go Orange!

Merci beaucoup
Patrice Kouame (Software Engineer/Software Architect and Consultant/ Virginia, Washington D.C - where we got rid of Bush!...he he)
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KDE Developer

Re: Install on Mac OS

Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:45 am
Most of our development discussions happen on irc (#krita on Quite a few developers are in Europe, so there's a bit of a timezone challenge. But we're spreading out and chances are someone will be awake. Deeper discussions happen on the mailing list: (krita used to be called krayon used to be called kimageshop...).

If you manage to build, run and package Krita on OSX you'll notice that you might need quite a few platform specific tweaks to make it look good. Last time I looked, our statusbar looked very weird, and there are other bigger and smaller issues. Qt makes it relatively easy though.

As for using mac-specific functions, that's quite possible if you create new plugins, for instance for image filters. Matus Talcik currently is experimenting with OpenCL -- that could be a good branch to check. There's also the OpenGTL/OpenShiva part of Krita. Something we've been thinking for a long time about is how to compile the shiva filters so it runs on the GPU instead of CPU. Really hard-core optimization things are investigating why we're using so much memory, perhaps implementing in-memory compression of image data.
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Re: Install on Mac OS

Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:39 pm
Ok -

getting kinda stuck so posted some on kimageshop.

In short, have dbus up:

launchctl list | grep dbus
10181 - org.freedesktop.dbus-session
sudo launchctl list | grep dbus
63102 - org.freedesktop.dbus-system

kbuildsycoca4 reports:

kbuildsycoca4 running...
kbuildsycoca4(10182) KBuildSycoca::recreate: Recreating ksycoca file ("/private/var/tmp/master-Me/kdecache-Me/ksycoca4", version 202)
kbuildsycoca4(10182) VFolderMenu::pushDocInfo: Menu "" not found.
kbuildsycoca4(10182) VFolderMenu::processMenu: Processing KDE Legacy dirs for <KDE>
kbuildsycoca4(10182) VFolderMenu::processKDELegacyDirs:
kbuildsycoca4(10182) VFolderMenu::loadApplications: Looking up applications under "/Users/Me/kde/inst/master/share/applications/"
kbuildsycoca4(10182) VFolderMenu::loadApplications: Looking up applications under "/Users/Me/kde/inst/master/share/applications/kde4"
kbuildsycoca4(10182)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/Users/Me/kde/inst/master/share/applications/kde4/calligra.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line

kbuildsycoca4(10182) KBuildServiceFactory::createEntry: Invalid Service : "/Users/Me/kde/inst/master/share/applications/kde4/calligra.desktop"
kbuildsycoca4(10182) KBuildServiceFactory::populateServiceTypes: "plasma-kpart.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "KParts/Part"
kbuildsycoca4(10182) KBuildServiceFactory::populateServiceTypes: "/Users/Me/kde/inst/master/share/applications/kde4/krita_bmp.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "image/bmp"
kbuildsycoca4(10182) KBuildServiceFactory::populateServiceTypes: "renaudiodlg.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "audio/mpeg"
kbuildsycoca4(10182) KBuildServiceFactory::populateServiceTypes: "renaudiodlg.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype "audio/x-wav"
kbuildsycoca4(10182) KBuildServiceFactory::populateServiceTypes: "renaudiodlg.desktop" specifies

Krita just hangs, here is a sample from /Applications/KDE4/

Sampling process 10196 for 3 seconds with 1 millisecond of run time between samples
Sampling completed, processing symbols...
Analysis of sampling krita (pid 10196) every 1 millisecond
Process: krita [10196]
Path: /Applications/KDE4/
Load Address: 0x105ae1000
Identifier: org.calligra.krita
Version: ??? (???)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: bash [10124]

Date/Time: 2011-07-17 13:31:30.736 -0400
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.7 (11A511)
Report Version: 7

Call graph:
2906 Thread_3730820 DispatchQueue_1: (serial)
+ 2906 start (in krita) + 52 [0x105aebed4]
+ 2906 kdemain (in libkdeinit4_krita.dylib) + 325 [0x105b04685]
+ 2906 KoApplication::KoApplication() (in libkomain.8.dylib) + 37 [0x1067f838f] KoApplication.cpp:67
+ 2906 KApplication::KApplication(bool) (in libkdeui.5.dylib) + 303 [0x107dc94a9] kapplication.cpp:352
+ 2906 KApplicationPrivate::init(bool) (in libkdeui.5.dylib) + 64 [0x107dc8694] kapplication.cpp:466
+ 2906 mac_initialize_dbus() (in libkdecore.5.dylib) + 291 [0x108738b53] kkernel_mac.cpp:146
+ 2906 mac_set_dbus_address(QString) (in libkdecore.5.dylib) + 219 [0x10873893b] kdebug.h:272
+ 2906 KDebug::hasNullOutput(QtMsgType, bool, int, bool) (in libkdecore.5.dylib) + 147 [0x108604ad1] kdebug.cpp:842
+ 2906 KDebugPrivate::areaData(QtMsgType, unsigned int, bool) (in libkdecore.5.dylib) + 639 [0x10860849b] kdebug.cpp:423
+ 2906 KDebugPrivate::writeGroupForNamedArea(QByteArray const&, bool) (in libkdecore.5.dylib) + 190 [0x108607620] kdebug.cpp:681
+ 2906 KConfig::sync() (in libkdecore.5.dylib) + 219 [0x10858a6bf] kconfig.cpp:103
+ 2906 KConfigIniBackend::lock(KComponentData const&) (in libkdecore.5.dylib) + 253 [0x10859b28f] kconfigini.cpp:573
+ 2906 KLockFile::lock(QFlags<KLockFile::LockFlag>) (in libkdecore.5.dylib) + 230 [0x108740380] klockfile_unix.cpp:136
+ 2906 KTemporaryFile::KTemporaryFile(KComponentData const&) (in libkdecore.5.dylib) + 80 [0x10861d2b2] ktemporaryfile.cpp:46
+ 2906 KTemporaryFilePrivate::defaultPrefix() const (in libkdecore.5.dylib) + 55 [0x10861dad7] ktemporaryfile.cpp:37
+ 2906 KStandardDirs::locateLocal(char const*, QString const&, KComponentData const&) (in libkdecore.5.dylib) + 25 [0x108653315] kstandarddirs.cpp:2107
+ 2906 KStandardDirs::locateLocal(char const*, QString const&, bool, KComponentData const&) (in libkdecore.5.dylib) + 127 [0x108653123] kstandarddirs.cpp:2118
+ 2906 KStandardDirs::saveLocation(char const*, QString const&, bool) const (in libkdecore.5.dylib) + 374 [0x1086521be] kstandarddirs.cpp:1507
+ 2906 KStandardDirs::resourceDirs(char const*) const (in libkdecore.5.dylib) + 46 [0x108651e2c] qatomic_x86_64.h:115
+ 2906 KStandardDirs::KStandardDirsPrivate::resourceDirs(char const*, QString const&) (in libkdecore.5.dylib) + 527 [0x108650cf1] kstandarddirs.cpp:1087
+ 2906 KStandardDirs::KStandardDirsPrivate::createSpecialResource(char const*) (in libkdecore.5.dylib) + 865 [0x1086501d7] kstandarddirs.cpp:1038
+ 2906 KStandardDirs::findExe(QString const&, QString const&, QFlags<KStandardDirs::SearchOption>) (in libkdecore.5.dylib) + 299 [0x10864d5b5] kstandarddirs.cpp:1372
+ 2906 _ZL15checkExecutableRK7QStringb (in libkdecore.5.dylib) + 40 [0x10864cbf8] kstandarddirs.cpp:1301
+ 2906 _ZL9getBundleRK7QStringb (in libkdecore.5.dylib) + 45 [0x10864c67d] kdebug.h:272
+ 2906 KDebug::hasNullOutput(QtMsgType, bool, int, bool) (in libkdecore.5.dylib) + 83 [0x108604a91] qmutex.h:102
+ 2906 QMutex::lock() (in QtCore) + 234 [0x105b21d60]
+ 2906 QMutexPrivate::wait(int) (in QtCore) + 141 [0x105b24d61]
+ 2906 _pthread_cond_wait (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 840 [0x7fff8b5d2274]
+ 2906 __psynch_cvwait (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x7fff8b564bca]
2906 Thread_3730822 DispatchQueue_2: (serial)
2906 _dispatch_mgr_thread (in libdispatch.dylib) + 54 [0x7fff8689c19e]
2906 _dispatch_mgr_invoke (in libdispatch.dylib) + 923 [0x7fff8689d60e]
2906 kevent (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x7fff8b5657e6]

All libraries are loaded...
Also have kdeinit4 up and running. klauncher seems to be up to. But so far no ticks..just asleep.



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