Registered Member
Hiya! First post, be gentle.
I've been watching Comics with Krita, and in Chapter 4: ink, he uses the Gradient tool and has an interactive preview of where the gradient is drawn. This feature blows my mind! Sadly, I can't find where to turn it on. (Background: using it with Krita Beta 6 (2.4?) on Windows) Thanks! |
KDE Developer
There are currently some limitations in the Windows port and currently this feature isn't available in that version (missing OpenGL canvas).
Registered Member
By the way, you might want to download the latest Windows beta (beta 7) which has a bunch of fixes. It's included in Calligra for Windows from here.
KDE Developer
Should be at RC2 even, now. For the final release, we actually might be able to show the opengl canvas and shader gradients -- Patrick Spendrin ported glew.
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