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Hi guys,
I am migrating from Adobe Photoshop CS2 (too old and can't be bothered paying premium for new versions just to 'paint')... I am heavily reliant on shortcut keys for my workflow. I love the way I can set just about any shortcut keys to any function, but the trouble is, I can set some, but not others after 'each session' of the Krita. As soon as I quit Krita completely, it starts to 'forget' I actually set new shortcut keys. Any ideas why this might be? I also am struggling to understand where Krita places their 'Default' shortcut keys in the UBUNTU directory structure. Any help or suggestions would be great! Thanks! I am using Thinkpad, Ubuntu 12.04 and Krita 2.4 (the default from Software Center). |
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Hi, welcome on the forum.
This sounds like a strange bug, I never experienced such things (and I too rely heavily on custom shortcuts). The settings are stored in .kde/share/apps/krita/krita.rc file, in your home directory (note the dot at the begining of the first folder name, which means it's a hidden folder; if you're new to linux, you might not know this ![]() Please tell us the exact shortcuts that you have trouble with (on which entry, using which key(s)…), so we can see if it's reproducible. |
![]() Registered Member ![]()
Hi animtim,
Yea, specifically (so far) it's when you go to shortcut dialog, select "New" and it clears all the shortcuts... first time you start setting new shortcuts, it's fine. But after you 'quit' and then come back, and start adding shortcuts to say, "Scale to new size" with ALT + CTRL + I . Quit, come back and the shortcut is gone. I've had issues with CTRL + N for "New file" , CTRL + S for "Save file", so basically, any shortcuts I set after that initial first session, it won't 'save' after you quit the app. Cheers for helping out! |
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
There were some problems in Krita 2.4 with shortcuts, possibly related to particular versions of the Qt library. I fixed those problems for 2.5, by storing the shortcuts in the ~/.kde4/share/config/kritarc file instead of the ~/.kde/share/apps/krita.rc file. This has the added advantage that shortcut settings remain valid when upgrading to a new version of Krita.
![]() Registered Member ![]()
Some shortcuts are still disappearing , mostly the lasso tool, contiguous area tool, polygonal select, delete layer. ~/.kde/share/apps/krita.rc file still saves the shortcuts and when they disappear they are gone from both rc files. |
![]() Registered Member ![]()
I seem to be having the same problem! I'm using 2.8.0 in Windows, but having problems saving just 2 shortcut keys. I can only seem to save one or the other, doesn't make much sense.
I'm trying to set: Canvas Size : CTRL+ALT+C Scale Image to New Size: CTRL+ALT+I And no matter how I do it it seems to only remember one or the other when I restart Krita, never both! Any ideas? I am absolutely loving Krita, but really need to assign shortcuts to those keys as I use them frequently in my daily work! Edit: Silly me, I see this is a KDE forum. I thought I signing up for a Krita.org forum ![]() |
![]() Administrator ![]()
The Krita forum is hosted within the KDE forum - you're in the correct place.
Are any other pairs of shortcut keys affected by this issue?
KDE Sysadmin
[img]content/bcooksley_sig.png[/img] |
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I had a similar problem when saving some shortcuts in the dev version recently. I solved it by moving the custom shortcuts to the top of the list in the krita.rc file. If you remove any shortcut or krita removes it cuz you want the key for something else, then it shows up with empty quotes like this,
![]() Seems like anything below this in the rc file is removed after restart. So dont keep your custom shortcuts at the bottom move them above any removed shortcut which shows empty quotes. Heres my edited rc file ![]() and now Krita doesnt forget these shortcuts. I am not sure whats the reason but worked for me. |
![]() Registered Member ![]()
I have the same problem: Krita 2.8 on Windows 8.1 forgets any custom shortcut.
I have yet to understand if there's a scheme behind it or if it happens randomly. I tried looking on the krita.rc file but I can't find any shortcut entry I fear in any of the two files I found. Still, I guess those shortcuts have to be in some file somewhere, isn't it? |
![]() Registered Member ![]()
Ok, I think after loosing all the custom shortcuts I worked on the past afternoon now I'm starting to figure out what happens to them...
This is the bottom part of my krita.rc file: ![]() The lines marked in red are two custom shortcuts I made for test, they usually appear after "action priority" line I just moved them over that line but it's not important.. What's important is the fact that I noticed Krita can keep the shortcuts sessions after sessions, but if I create my shortcuts in a session and then use again the command "Configure shortcuts..." on another session it will erase all the previous shortcuts I made as soon as I click on the command and delete those lines from the file. So basically a personal workaround for this will be to create every shortcut I need in a single session of the software and then make a copy of the Krita.rc file. Then in case I need to add other shortcuts in another session I'll just do it and then after closing I'll open the old copy of the krita.rc file, copy the lines with the shortcuts, paste them on the newer and then saving it. Hope this might help someone else until a solution comes. ![]() |
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This is my 1st post here since stumbling into Krita about 1 week ago.
I want to create and save some new shortcuts. I opened the Krita.rc file in v2.8 and there are no shortcuts in it. Will someone please tell me where the shortcuts are stored in v2.8. dashtwo |
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
Shortcuts should still be in Krita.rc. Unfortunatly there's no way to get it to work reliably. :/
![]() Registered Member ![]()
"Shortcuts should still be in Krita.rc."
I am absolutely certain that there are no shortcuts being saved in my Krita.rc file. I wonder if default shortcuts should also be found in that same file. There aren't any default shortcuts in my file either, no shortcuts at all. "Unfortunatly there's no way to get it to work reliably." Take a look at MonkeyPlanet's reply above. It looks like that might be the solution to keeping newly created shortcuts. I just need to know where my shortcuts are being kept/hidden. Not being able to create and save new shortcuts is a really BIG DEAL in my opinion. I wonder what priority this has been given on the list of things to do? Dashtwo ==WIN32/Vista Home Premium/Krita |
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Hi dashtwo,
I use Krita on Linux and I see you use Windows. Let me try and install WIN version at my job tomo if I have some time. I dont know anything about the windows version but you cud try something, * Make a copy of your original Krita.rc file somewhere * Try copying the text below in your Krita.rc file and see if some shortcuts work (this is just a test) If they do, then I wud recommend, you make a list of shortcuts you need and post them here and I will try to make a Krita.rc file for you with those shortcuts. I am not 'in the know' about Krita development so this may not work at all but worth a try. I am also linking my whole rc file so you know where to place the shortcuts. https://www.dropbox.com/s/sou0pzr5ue45egz/krita.rc Hope this helps.
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[quote="dashtwo"] "Shortcuts should still be in Krita.rc."
I am absolutely certain that there are no shortcuts being saved in my Krita.rc file. I wonder if default shortcuts should also be found in that same file. There aren't any default shortcuts in my file either, no shortcuts at all. "Unfortunatly there's no way to get it to work reliably." Take a look at MonkeyPlanet's reply above. It looks like that might be the solution to keeping newly created shortcuts. I just need to know where my shortcuts are being kept/hidden. Not being able to create and save new shortcuts is a really BIG DEAL in my opinion. I wonder what priority this has been given on the list of things to do? Dashtwo ==WIN32/Vista Home Premium/Krita [/quote] Where did you take your krita.rc file? Consider on your pc there should be two files named that way: one is located in the folder you installed Krita and, as I just saw, doesn't contain any custom shortcut entry. The other one (I use windows 8.1) should be in something like C:users/"yourname"/appdata/roaming/krita/share/apps/krita. Your shortcuts will be in that. You might want to make some kind of fast link to that folder, because is where anything interesting will be. Just remember that AS SOON AS you hit the "configure shortcuts..." command in Krita, any previous shortcut you made will be erased, so before doing it make a copy of the krita.rc file to retrieve any shortcut you created. |
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