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...I updated a few things to make it a bit clearer
The more I use Krita the more I love it! Don't even know how to thank you guys for creating it! I have however a few issues and here is a short description... a) The quick access ring is far too small and there seems to be no way to adjust its size. b) The brush resize feature (Shift-Drag) is laggy and jumpy + it would be really nice to have some kind of smooth visual feedback not only about the size but also about how hard/soft the edges of the current brush are....and maybe being able to adjust the hardness on the fly. c) Color selector in full screen mode (Shift-I) disappears if you select the hue and not waiting for me to select the actual value. d) no easy way to manage/organize brush presets e) this one is more like a comment. I managed to compile the latest alpha version from git and noticed a few new icons/indicators (zoom-icon) and thought that design-wise its the wrong direction to go. My problem with most imaging software is how to reduce the amount of UI distractions as much as possible and stop the software from screaming at you with superfluous information. I believe that such indicators should be outside of the view area of the image or have at least an option to be silenced. The same with the current color picker... I think I'm not alone on this if I say that to have it as minimal as possible would be much much better - a thin cross would be a perfectly functional solution. Along the same lines.... the info-bubble about me going into full screen mode doesn't necessarily have to remind myself of it every time I press TAB ![]() I think that Krita is without any doubt really really top quality painting app, not only among open source apps but among all of them! If someone knows how to alleviate or maybe solve any of those issues, I'd be really grateful for any help! // Jenya
Last edited by JenyaYQ on Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:52 am, edited 8 times in total.
Linux QS 3.14.0-8-CHAKRA #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 25 17:47:11 CET 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
a) What exactly is too small there? The whole thing or some part? At least on my system it's rather big.
b) It's a bit jumpy because the application needs to do some recalculation for the outline. If you are using the Vc library when building Krita that should get better. c) It's supposed to hide when you leave the widget, that might be the problem. Try to click on the ring without leaving the gray area. d) What are you missing? e) I assume you mean the cursor while zooming. That's a bit controversial. There are many users that want to have these icons to have an indication what's happening. We added these info bubbles because lots of users got lost and didn't know what was happening. |
![]() Registered Member ![]()
Thank you for your reply!
a) I meant the color selector of the quick access ring is far too small to be useful.... but I wouldn't mind having the whole thing bigger or ideally being able to adjust the size. b) Actually i was refering to 2.5.4 and it's rather slow even on a realtively fast system with RAM to burn. Everything else in Krita is silky smooth (I noticed it has something to do with the current zoom level, its much better at 100%) c) I tried it the same thing even if I stay in the area of the selector as soon as I raise the pen from the hue ring the whole thin disappears d) Simple ways to remove, add, assign new names to my brushes, import libraries and so on....right now its quite a lot of neck twisting UI acrobatics...sometimes with unpredictable results (like getting trash icons on the brush images, which cant be removed unless you give the brush a new name) e) hm.... Despite it all ---- I just love it!
Linux QS 3.14.0-8-CHAKRA #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 25 17:47:11 CET 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
a) It's a bit tricky. The popup is design to match the preset size, not sure how well that scales.
b) Usually you will get to a bigger brush faster when you are zoomed out, which explains why it's slower. c) Ok, that is a bug. Normally the color selectors are supposed to hide once a color is selected, but that doesn't make sense if you have to components. d) The trash icon is the delete button that appears when you select a preset in the horizontal preset strip. The preset dropdown and the preset docker have buttons to import and delete. Renameing a preset can be done by loaing it and then clicking "overwrite preset" in the settings. For libraries a manager is planned, but that hasn't started yet. |
![]() Registered Member ![]()
b) I know. But (apart from the appearances of the outline) what I meant was that the speed of my pen and the speed with which brush outline is growing while resizing is counter-intuitive and disproportionate. While it might seem a minor nuisance, if you do it every few seconds it starts to be a problem.
And from the UI design perspective - why should it be different on different zoom levels? I understand that there are technical reasons for the way it is right now but it shouldn't be the reason for not changing it. :) I hope it makes sense... d) I'm already familiar with the way brushes are handled, however what I described is definitely a bug. The image representing the brush is corrupted and its visible not only in the brush settings dialog but everywhere the brush appears. Overwriting it doesn't help, I tried it several times. Deleting and creating it again also doesn't work. Creating the same brush with a new name does work but its hardly a solution. The only reliable way is removing all the related brushes from .kde/share/ ....not very elegant :) I ended up deleting all of them just to figure out when and how it happens...learning along the way how the blacklisting script works. It affects 2.5.4 & git versions. Had the same issues on Debian and Chakra with latest updates installed. Anyway, thank you for your help!
Last edited by JenyaYQ on Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Linux QS 3.14.0-8-CHAKRA #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 25 17:47:11 CET 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
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....a small update on (b). I just found out that if the brush type is changed to dulling/smudge then the resizing is a lot smoother and it seems to be independent of resolution.
Last edited by JenyaYQ on Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Linux QS 3.14.0-8-CHAKRA #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 25 17:47:11 CET 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
b) Dulling already has an optimization that will be available to more brushes in 2.6.
d) How is it corrupted. Can you make a screenshot? |
![]() Registered Member ![]()
b) YEY!
d) I deleted all of the brushes I created and blacklisted the rest to correct this issue (I'm left with just 2 custom brushes and they work just right :) If they appear again I'll post a screenshot. But basically the image of the brush is slightly distorted/stretched and on it there is a red recycle bin icon and its somewhat bigger than the default one.... I'm trying to do my best to improve Krita through my comments, hopefully my posts are of some use :) Thank you for your time!
Last edited by JenyaYQ on Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
Linux QS 3.14.0-8-CHAKRA #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 25 17:47:11 CET 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
![]() Registered Member ![]()
b) unfortunately the brush resizing issue got noticeably worse with latest git versions I tried to get rid of this problem by compiling from sources once a week for the past one and a half month or so but this problem persists. While resizing the standard round brushes (and their variants) is bearable even if laggy, resizing the dulling type brushes brings my otherwise fast system to such a stutter that I have to stop moving my pen until it finishes. There is something seriously wrong with this.
I already tried it with and without nvidia drivers on different KDE Versions with different settings (with and without V Sync and other things) .... nothing seems to affect this in any positive way. I had similar problem with the official releases of Krita (and written in detail about this on this forum)but they were not as severe. I wish I could help somehow.... as for VC libraries making it a bit better, I didn't try this one but I don't understand why for such a crucial feature as brush resizing one would use an "optional" library that is not even included in dependencies if you get the official Krita release and stated merely as a suggestions in the Wiki if you want to build from sources. Forgot to mention - I'm on Linux (Chakra Linux) with latest updates and latest Nvidia drivers. (have two separate systems with nouveau and nvidia drivers and its the same on both.) I thought I should also point out that It's really remarkable that while having these problems painting itself is really fast even on huge 8k 10k images with layers and the rest. PS sorry for double posting I didn't want to hijack someone's thread ... and keep the description of the issue more orderly in my own.
Last edited by JenyaYQ on Mon Feb 18, 2013 9:59 am, edited 3 times in total.
Linux QS 3.14.0-8-CHAKRA #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 25 17:47:11 CET 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
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c) Exactly! But this bug with the big color selector (shortcut is Shift-I) is also still there. It requires a small fix and would mean a huge deal to me beacause I use it once every few seconds so it will be a gigantic time saver for me if it would only behave..... meaning not disappearing if I just changed the hue and wait for me to change actual value. Maybe it would be even better if one was able to keep it displaying on the spot where I first pressed the the key until the shortcut is pressed once again. It would be especially useful in a situation where all other palettes are hidden. PS had to update my description beacuse I forgot that I have custom shortcuts its actually Shift-I by default.
Linux QS 3.14.0-8-CHAKRA #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 25 17:47:11 CET 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
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____on slow brush resize
compiled latest VC library 0.7 and recompiled the calligra from git a few minutes ago and there is a slight but noticeable improvement on the speed when resizing normal brushes but not with smear/dulling type brushes, they are still extremely slow on resize. On the bright side of things, compiling it with VC resulted in overall snappier Krita.... ____on the big color picker First of all thank you Boudewijn for responding to my cries so quickly. I'm very grateful. I made some additional tweaks in the source code where you made yours (I cheked the git and looked up where the changes of your commit took place:) and I'm very staisfied with what I have now. I set the hide timer to 400 and distance back to 0 in kis_color_selector_base.cpp (I also tried to set the distance to 40/80 both works ok)
Linux QS 3.14.0-8-CHAKRA #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 25 17:47:11 CET 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
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_______on quick access ring
on the issue with the quick access ring I only recently realized that the problem is that my display is 100 DPI that's maybe why the inner triangle color picker is so small. That's why I don't use the ring so often and also because I tend not use the Wacom pen switch, it's slower and it's uncomfortable to change my hand/finger position to reach the pen switch. However the keyboard shortcut for the ring(F in my case), when used, displays the ring in the middle of the display and not under the cursor.
Linux QS 3.14.0-8-CHAKRA #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 25 17:47:11 CET 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
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Concerning the resizing issue, I thought I should say that only the git master version is affected. I installed 2.6 just to test this and it runs as smooth as can be, without any of the described lagging.....
I also compiled and installed the recent version of VC library, I guess that helped too.
Linux QS 3.14.0-8-CHAKRA #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 25 17:47:11 CET 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
Hm, that is interesting. I'm not sure I have noticed such a big difference myself, but I haven't tested very extensively. Do you use the opengl canvas?
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
Which brush exactly is slow? Do you have a preset? Maybe make a video.
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