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Performance issues

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Performance issues

Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:04 am
Hello! Well, this time I woul like to point at certain troubles I've been experiencing, some of the I've talked about here in the forum, but this time I tought it would easier to show them using a video instead of only screen caps. The video in question is unaltered, in order to show more or less what I'm experiencing in terms of lags and other issues. This is the link:

These are mainly the issues:

- Lag with transform tool.
- Lag with move tool.
- Application and system slow-downs when opening and closing existing files.
- OpenGL not fully functional.

My system info: AMD Sempron single core 1.8GHz, 64 bit; Nvidia driver 304, kernel 3.2.0-39-generic, KDE 4.10, Krita 2.6 from backports.
EDIT: Forgot to add system RAM amount, I have a 3GB RAM.
What do you think? Any ideas, need more information about my system?

Last edited by Cezzare on Sat Apr 06, 2013 5:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Performance issues

Sat Apr 06, 2013 5:03 am
These are mainly the issues:

- Lag with transform tool.
- Lag with move tool.
- Application and system slow-downs when opening and closing existing files.
- OpenGL not fully functional.

My system info: AMD Sempron single core 1.8GHz, 64 bit; Nvidia driver 304, kernel 3.2.0-39-generic, KDE 4.10, Krita 2.6 from backports.

Since you didn't state how much ram you have? As that impacts performance.

But if I had to pick one that gives the symptoms you are experiencing than I would make a first guess of the Nvidia driver 304.
As you stated "OpenGL not fully functional."

As using Ati 4350 graphics card with the default open drivers. And smooth and snappy and all effects work.
And full 3d rendering being used.

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Re: Performance issues

Sat Apr 06, 2013 5:19 am
Hi! yeah, sorry, I have a 3GB RAM, I know it's not a lot of RAM, but it's enough for running PS CS5 in Windows 7 or GIMP under Kubuntu. However, about the Nvidia driver, that's a possibility, I made a bit of research in the forum and switching to Nouveau drivers doesn't seem to help either, maybe changing to an older version, I don't know : (

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Re: Performance issues

Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:10 am
Which version is in the backports repo? The transform tool and opengl got improved a lot after 2.6 was released. The move tool is slow, that is known. The amount of ram you have is fine in general, though you seem to be working with rather large images.
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Re: Performance issues

Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:42 am
The backports repo for Precise Pangolin has this version: 1:2.6.1-0ubuntu5-ubuntu12.04.2-ppa2. I might try to upgrade ti 12.10, but the last time I did some things got broken in plasma-desktop.

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Re: Performance issues

Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:15 am
Hello cezzare.

I made some tests. An A3 file 300dpi scaling a 2600x1600 layer. I made the layer like this
Code: Select all
convert -size 2600x1600 pattern:checkerboard -auto-level checker2600x1600.png

Using Gimp a a comparison I get almost the same performance (4sec quicker). Testing results were consistent with my system overall performance. Transformation are quicker on Krita since 2.7 transform tool updates. By the workflow you use I think you would benefit a lot from that. On the other hand some of the perform and lagging seems to be relate more to your hardware than to krita in general. I saw that Gimp performance is pretty slow on you machine.

OpenGL issues are not only dependent on drivers but also on hardware. Nvidia 6150 Go it's a mobile graphic card designed to work best with directx9. It only supports OpenGL up to 1.5 spec. but as far as I know you need CPU power to do transform calculations.

Slowdowns when opening and closing files might have something to do with hard drive reading speeds and a bit of CPU single core.

You don't need a super recent PC to run Krita, but for the sizes and operations you need, your CPU and Graphic card are falling short. I use an AMD x2 4200+ 2.2Ghz and Nvidia 8800 GT 512MB dedicated plus 2GB for system. The new version of Krita will help you a lot but don't expect miracles. Even Photoshop lags in my machine when using big sizes.

As for the lock alpha channel fill bug. It is a bug and should be reported. I'll get to that in a few moments if it isn't already reported. You could for the moment check "Fill the entire selection" checkbox in the paint bucket tool options docker. It's the first one from the top after the feathering radius.


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