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Coloring book outline brush/problems

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Coloring book outline brush/problems

Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:15 am
Hello awesome Krita people,

With great difficulty, I'm unable to decently make coloring book outlines in Krita. At the moment, I have a pretty good sketch brush I made that I can use to sketch out an idea in no time. But when I want to outline my sketches as a final image in one line width (Tangential Pressure), I use a pixel brush. But it takes me a few days to do a simple page outline, because apparently I have a wiggly hand. But I don't have that problem at all sketching. I see exactly what I want drawn and where on the page.

The brush tip I presently use (pixel brush) to do coloring book outlines:

Brush Tip info
It's set to Defult and Circle
Diameter: 50.
Ratio: 1.00
Fade: .81 (horizontally & vertically)
Angle: 0 degrees
Spikes: 2
Randomness: 0
Density: 100%
Spacing: .10

Opacity & Flow are both set to: 1.00
No opacity dynamics

Size: .50
"Use Curve" and "Use the same curve" are both check marked.

Pressure: Is check marked and grid not touched. Line starting in bottom left corner to top right corner. Same for Tangential Pressure. I wanted Tangential pressure so I'd have one constant width for a line.

Now, I really like what's going on with "Draw Dynamically" mode. I LOVE how smoothe and quickly I can move my brush, but I can't use Tangential pressure on the curve brush when I have Draw Dynamically on. The line goes really really thin (1px). It's so maddening. XD When I was able to get it to use Tangential pressure, the first pressure you lay on the canvas makes a blotch ball first and then draws a smooth constant width, then is square straight at the other end. I see so many beautiful pictures drawn and I love how powerful Krita is on making your own brushes, but at the present time. I just want to do something really basic. I have a feeling it's between using a pixel brush and curves brush with Draw Dynamically mode on. Is there a way to move not ridiculously slow, and still keep a smooth, constant width with both ends (start & end point) squared off or rounded off?

If anyone knows how to do this I'd be forever grateful. I've been trying to figure this out for a few months now. =( I'm probably one of those people making Krita harder to understand than it really is. This is the only thing I'm having trouble with on Krita. Sorry! Any help in this matter would be very much appreciated! Honestly! D:

Here are my computer and software specs if these would also help:

Version 2.4.0
Using KDE Development Platform 4.8.5

Operating System:
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Wacom 4 Tablet
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I'm not entirely sure that this is exactly what you need, but about a year ago, I found a method to globally control a tablet stroke smoothness. Please, look at my post about it: viewtopic.php?f=137&t=107008
Hope, it'll be useful.


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