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No Alpha Channel

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Chris Jones
Registered Member

No Alpha Channel

Thu Jul 11, 2013 7:25 am

Sorry if this is obvious, I'm new to Krita and couldn't find much in the way of documentation, so this could easily be down to user error.

If I make a layer, paint on it, click on the alpha lock button and paint over the top, the first stroke should act as a mask for the second, should it not? Because it's not. I'm certain this was working in the previous build, although I might have done something differently then. Preserve Alpha on the toolbar does seem to work though, strangely.

Additionally I'm not having any luck with the Inherit Alpha function, and I'd have expected to see a greyscale version of the layer in the alpha channel when the RGB channels are turned off, but instead I see nothing. I managed to get something to show up there once by running the Colour to Alpha filter, but it's not working now.

I'm using build on Windows XP Pro SP3 by the way.

Thanks for any help!


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KDE Developer

Re: No Alpha Channel

Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:42 am
Yeah... I broke that -- and then made a windows build. I need to make a new windows build, but I was rather pre-occupied in the past week. The global alpha lock button in the top toolbar should work for you (and is the cause of the broken alpha lock button in the layer box).

We need to think a bit on how to update the channel palette's actions. If you turn off all color you are only left with transparency, but we don't visualize that as gray.
Chris Jones
Registered Member

Re: No Alpha Channel

Fri Jul 12, 2013 2:10 am
Ah right, I thought something must have been up! I see there's a new update (within mere hours of my having mentioned it no less :o ) - I'll give that a shot.

Thanks a lot Boudewijn,



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