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brush tip and wacom pen offset

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brush tip and wacom pen offset

Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:41 pm

I just started to use krita (version for windows) and it's an awesome programm! :D so far everything that I need is running smoothly (although there are minor lags when loading and saving) except one thing: the symbol of my brush-tip 'jumps' a few millimeters sideways when I want to paint. so there is an offset to my brushstroke: I aim at a certain point, tip the canvas with my pen and the stroke appears a little on the side of my pen-tip

I use windows 7 and a wacom cintiq 13hd. funny thing is, the problem only occurs whilst painting on the canvas. when hovering over the sidebars/menus and then tipping at them with my pen, the position remains and the correct action is executed.

is this a problem of the windows-version or is this a setting that can be changed? I searched everywhere (also in the cintiq settings) and found nothing...

thank you so much, I'm very greatful for your help! :)
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Re: brush tip and wacom pen offset

Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:28 pm
I am having the same problem with Krita 2.8.3 (also tested 2.8.2) while using my Wacom Cintiq 13HD.

Depending on what screen i set the Cintiq to be on Windows 7, the offset is smaller or larger, in either case it is simply unusable this way.

From my research i have found that this was a problem with earlier versions that was fixed at some point, but it seems it was re-introduced in one of the more current versions.


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