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Troubles showing colours.

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Troubles showing colours.

Sat Dec 28, 2013 8:23 pm
Hi all,

recently I've changed my computer and I've discovered a problem with the way the software shows the colours in my new pc. The thing is that in the color selector everything is ok, I mean, the colors looks normal, but when I pick one of them and paint on the canvas the result is a bit diferent, for example, in the case of blue it appears a little violet, not as pure blue, the same thing happens with the complete specter, and is very embarrassing to work without knowing wich color I'm really using.
If I save the pic as jpg, tiff,png... the image viewer shows the correct color.
Other graphic software I have in the same computer (gimp,mypaint) shows the correct color,too.

Please, can someone help me to fix this?

I'm using kubuntu 13.10 and krita 2.9 ( I've updated krita thinking that this solve the problem, before I was using the 2.7,the same thing happened) This link is a screen capture of krita with a pure blue that is not. and this is the same document saved as tiff, this way you can see the diference and what I'm saying.

Thanks and regards.

Excuse me for my English.
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KDE Developer

Re: Troubles showing colours.

Sun Dec 29, 2013 9:14 am
Can you check the settings dialog, the color management tab? It's possible that Kubuntu installs a display profile that krita will try to use automatically. That means that Krita actually shows the colors correctly (if the display profile is correct) and the rest of the applications may be wrong. You can also check whether OpenGL is enabled. If you have an AMD GPU and the proprietary drivers, the colors may be off, too.

Btw, there is no Krita 2.9 yet :-). We're right now working on Krita 2.8, which is to be released in January.
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Re: Troubles showing colours.

Sun Dec 29, 2013 12:33 pm
Thanks for the quick answer.

boudewijn wrote:Can you check the settings dialog, the color management tab? It's possible that Kubuntu installs a display profile that krita will try to use automatically.

I've cheked it and appear a long list of profiles but the button "install system wide" is off in all of them, so I don't know wich profile is activated.
The thing is that I'm sure that krita can shows the color, when I activate the "show color selector" shortcut (in my case "c") the thumbnail of the color is what it's suposed to be: pure blue, and contrast slightly with the paint on the canvas that should be the same color (i've tried to get a snapshot of this but when I take off the cursor of the image the selector disappear).

With opengl enebled or disabled occurs the same.

The GPU I'm using is nvidia GeForce GTX 650 Ti with propietary drivers (331)
The cpu is amd fx 8320.

About the version when I click on about krita appears 2.9 prealpha. I installed from the krita lime repository. It surprised me too.

Thanks for your time and the attention.


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