I started using Krita a few moments ago. I noticed that after some time of using it, Krita somehow locks the brush sizer to always 1.00. I've tried to change it, but it always scales back to 1.00 and I haven't yet found any setting for unlocking it.
Have I just missed something or is this a bug? I'm using a version 2.7 or something.
How exactly are you trying to change the brush size? There are several methods:
* shift-drag on the canvas. Press shift, click and drag * move the size slider around * enter a value in the size slider * click on the small up and down buttons of the size slider, either with a mouse or a stylus
The latter, when done with a stylus, is currently known to reset the size to 1 after some time.
boudewijn wrote:How exactly are you trying to change the brush size? There are several methods:
* shift-drag on the canvas. Press shift, click and drag * move the size slider around * enter a value in the size slider * click on the small up and down buttons of the size slider, either with a mouse or a stylus
The latter, when done with a stylus, is currently known to reset the size to 1 after some time.
I actually have tried each one of those while it's been locked.
*Shift-drag doesn't actually do anything while locked, it just locks the cursor for the time. *Moving the slider; I can see the changed value for about 0.01 second and then it resets to 1.00. *Entering a value to the slider; I type an amount and press enter for it to accept, it resets to 1.00 *Clicking those small buttons doesn't do anything.
I've re-installed the program now and I'm going to sleep so I'll come back to check this thread "tomorrow".
Ah, I'm so sorry. I guess I was tired and this "issue" is only with curve_ brushes.
I can't seem to scale that brush's size from 1.00. I'm not sure if this is meant to be and I DO apologize that I didn't notice it earlier and that this might be a very pointless thread post. I'm sorry if you wasted your time on this.
actually im having the same problem right now except its every single brush. i havnt messed with any settings or anything. i cant kind anything on this issue except this thread which obviously doesnt help me much since its not just a certain brush type... im getting super discouraged and am starting to kinda hate drawing now. ive been having so many issues with krita lately that i hardly ever touch it.
There is a possibility to lock all the size of the brush in Krita ; using the little padlock in the brush-editor here:
This one can be accidentally turned ON with a double-click on the 'Size' label, or with a mis-click. Can you check if this padlock is locked on your Krita? That would explain having the Size locked with every brushes...