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color picker auto deselect bug?

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color picker auto deselect bug?

Mon Jan 20, 2014 4:32 am
hello, I believe I am having a bug in krita that is based off of Gimp. Whenever I try to use ctrl to select a color, I get a bug were the color picker will switch on again during normal mouse clicks.

This is what I do: find color, press ctrl+lmb, release lmb, then release ctrl. on my next stroke with a wacom pen or with a mouse, using lmb will cause the color picker to turn on, thereby selecting a new color until I release the lmb again. During this time a stroke will not be made.

This same bug happens when I try to use shift+lmb+drag: When I release the mouse button before the shift button, my next normal mouse click will change brush size until i let go.

These bugs are repeatable in gimp.

I do not know what to do. I am not sure if this is a krita bug or an ubuntu bug, but it is very annoying and impedes my workflow. I am using Krita 2.7.1 on Ubuntu 12.04.2 with 3.5.0-45-generic kernal.

Does anyone know how I can fix this?
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Re: color picker auto deselect bug?

Mon Jan 20, 2014 9:25 am
if it happens both in Gimp and in Krita, it cannot be a bug in either application. It must be something else -- either a bug in Ubuntu, or a physical problem with the keyboard or the mouse. In any case, it would be best to bring this to a Ubuntu forum.
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Re: color picker auto deselect bug?

Wed Jan 22, 2014 3:08 am
Well, since Krita is not a widely known art package on Ubuntu forums, I thought of asking here since Krita is the application that I want to use and help is almost non-existent anywere else. I have another post on the Ubuntu forums regarding this same thing. It's just not helping so far.

I was hoping that since Krita users are familiar with setting up a wacom, I thought that other users who have similar frustrations with Ubuntu and Linux in general can chime in with some help, as they often have to solve similar problems.

It is not a keyboard or mouse problem as I have tried using two keyboards and two mouse inputs(one being my cintiq pen) and have duplicated the behavior.

Also I'm not even entirely sure if the behavior that I decribed is a bug as I am unable to find any information about it. For example, I don't even know if such behavior is standard in both Krita and Gimp. Could you perhaps test on your system if you can recreate my "bug"? It will help to know that at least its not standard behavior.


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