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Path Tool / Names of Tools

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Path Tool / Names of Tools

Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:58 am
I'm having problems with the Path Tool (it's like the Pen Tool,) sometimes it would draw in bold lines and then another times it would draw in very thin lines or sometimes it would fill color after I draw it in a circle or a square without me changing any options. I can't find the tool options for the Path Tool, such as add, subtract, etc. It also needs anchor points too. Help would be appreciated. Thanks!

I think all the tools need names, like the few ones on top like Shape Handling, Text Tool, Calligraphy Tool, etc. It gets a little confusing when there's two or three tools that seem similar to each other. Like "Draw a Path" and "Draw a Freehand Path."

EDIT: Maybe add both the names AND the description of the tools. That would be very helpful.
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KDE Developer

Re: Path Tool / Names of Tools

Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:24 am
Hm, right now, Krita's vector functionality is imported wholesale from the rather abandonned Karbon. So a lot of functionality is actually just missing >_>.

Path tool could be renamed to 'draw bezier curve' or 'draw bezier path'. That seems a good idea.


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