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Cursor Laggy in Windows

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Cursor Laggy in Windows

Fri Jan 31, 2014 5:17 pm
I'm running the latest windows build (2.8 beta 2) for x64 windows 7. The menu cursor works fine, but when i'm moving the cursor over the canvas with the tablet it lags. It seems to perform fine while i'm actually painting with the brushes though so it seems like this issue is largely a cosmetic one.

I haven't used the program much yet, but that's the only annoyance I've noticed so far. (Apart from the unfamiliar keybinds and obscure shortcut required to reset canvas rotation ;) )

Does anyone know if there's some way to fix that?

Off Topic:
I just signed up here to access these forums and want to say kudos for making software that works well on both Windows and Linux (i was having trouble finding anything that really worked except for GIMP) I really needed that cross platform support, Windows support being no less important than Linux support. I think it's important to make Linux software cross platform like this so that Windows users that want to convert to Linux can gradually get used to the Linux software (or at least try them out) before trying to make the switch.


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