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Which shortcuts do you think would be most useful?

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I've got me one of these fancypants keyboards, and I love it to pieces and can't live without a macro keyboard anymore (I worked hard to make this keyboard work in the first place on linux by modifying drivers), but I mostly use the macro keys (in both windows and linux) to access my favorite folders (like music collection, downloads folder, teh pronz, etc) and to my favorite global or browser related commands (next/prev/close tab, alt+f4, task manager/terminal, mouse click)

And of course In linux I get the luxury of 6 workspaces that I can select with one button each.

But, since digital art programs (out of which my choice is Krita) are notorious for having too many shortcuts that are hard to remember and yet important to use, I have two questions.

1: What are the shortcuts that aren't configurable in the "Configure Shortcuts" menu? (like holding shift for brush size, or ctrl for color picker, etc. Do we have a list?)
2: What shortcuts do you think would be most convenient to have mapped to macro keys? (Which are your favorite ones?)

2 is mostly because i'm new to digital art/image editing programs so I don't even know what shortcuts are my best friends and which ones I don't really need which I'm asking for second and third opinions.

So far i've got:

G18: Lighter Color (K)
G16: Darker Color (L)
G3: Color Selector (this way I can free up the docker a bit and use the palette menu in there instead)
G1: Fullscreen

And surfing through the shortcuts list looking for things that could be good I've found (but not decided whether to use or not):
New Layer (INS)
Mirror Layer, Canvas or View (? & ?/? & ?/M)
Filters (Like Blur, Lnes Flare, Oilpaint, Pixelize, Sharpen, Etc)
Layer/Canvas Rotation (? & ?/CTRL + [ & CTRL + ])
Painter's Tools (?)
Layer Navigation & Rasterizing (Pgup/Dn & ?)
Scale (?)
Select area by outline (?)
Select Opaque (?)
Separate/Split image (?/?)
Show dockers (?)
Reset Zoom (Ctrl+O)
Align (?)
Style Manager (Ctrl+Alt+S)
Merge/Duplicate layers (Ctrl + E/Ctrl + J)
Levels (Ctrl+L)
Select/Deselect/Reselect/Invert-Selection (Ctrl+R/Ctrl+Shift+A/Ctrl+Shift+D/Ctrl+Shift+I)
Total Refresh (Ctrl+Shift+R)
Color History (H)
Opacity Control (I/O)
Move Layer (T)
Select From Color Range (?)
Color Adjustment Curves (?)
Color (?)
Color to Alpha(?)
Shade Selector (Shift+M or Shift+M)
Mask to selection/Layer from mask (?)
Select Similar Colors (?)

"?" means unbound. Some of these are things I don't even know what are but sound like they might be helpful.

Also; semi-on topic, who decided to place "Deselect" on "Ctrl+A" instead of the traditional "Ctrl+D" and why? this confused me a lot the first time I used the program, and I inevitably changed it to the previously unbound Ctrl+D. (I'm suggesting that it might be a good idea to remap the default bind to Ctrl+D instead, or add it as an alternate bind so people that came over here from photoshop won't be as confused as otherwise)

If you're interested in the topic from an application agnostic standpoint, (or for development ideas for what people generally seem to use the most) or are just new like me and want to know what shortcuts it's a good idea to get familiar with, I made a similar thread on deviantart asking about peoples favorite shortcuts.

Afterthought: This might belong in the general discussion forum, I'll leave that to the mods.
Thanks for your input 8)
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KDE Developer
"1: What are the shortcuts that aren't configurable in the "Configure Shortcuts" menu? (like holding shift for brush size, or ctrl for color picker, etc. Do we have a list?)"

That's one area where, unfortunately, the techical foundations of Krita are visible to the end user. The shortcuts in Settings/Configure Shortcuts and the shorcuts in Settings/Configure Krita/Canvas Input Settings have a completely different implementation. The latter is where you find the color picker shortcut and similar items. We hope that in a future version of Krita we don't need to make this distinction.
Registered Member
"Settings/Configure Krita/Canvas Input Settings"

I don't find any such thing on my Krita; Is it a 2.8 addition? (I'm on 2.7.5 or something like that atm)

But I found a cheat-sheet luckily.
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KDE Developer
Yes, that's new for 2.8.
Registered Member
This is what I ended up with

I remapped fullscreen to "tab" button.
I remapped deselect to CTRL+D
I bound freehand select (Select an area by outline) to CTRL+SHIFT+F
I bound mirror vertically to CTRL+M

G Keys 1-6
G1((?)) G2(Levels(CTRL+L)) G3(Color Selector(Shift+I))
G4(?) G5(HSL/HSV(CTRL+U)) G6(Shade Selector (Shift+M))

G Keys 7-12,
G7 (Reset Rotation/Canvas View(CTRL+')) G8 (Flip Canvas Vert(Ctrl+M)) G9(Move Layer(T))
G10 (Merge Down (Ctrl+E)) G11 (Flip Canvas Horizontally(M)) G12 (Transform Layer (CTRL+T))

G Keys 13-18,
G13(Freehand Select (CTRL+SHIFT+F) G14(Increase Opacity of Brush(I)) G15(Darker Color(K))
G16(Deselect (CTRL+D) G17(Decrease Opacity of Brush(O)) G18(Lighter color (L))

Can't figure out what to use G1 and G4 for though, I tried to keep a theme so that G1-6 is menus/windows related, G7-12 are canvas/layer manipulation and keys 13-18 are brush manipulation or something along those lines.

What 2 other menus would be nice to add on G1 and G4 you think?

Or do you have any better ideas than what i've come up with so far?


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