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Brush preset filtering not working

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Brush preset filtering not working

Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:24 pm
I don't know if this is a bug or if I'm doing it wrong, but I can't seem to be able to filter any brush presets by typing the names at the bottom or selecting the preset name at the top of the preset window.

Similar issue in the pallet manager. All of the brushes are visible when surely only the brushes present in the quick access pallet (right click) should be visible in the right window. This makes it really hard to sort my favourite brushes in an easily accessible group.

I hope this makes sense and someone knows a fix!
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In krita you can manage brush presets in 3 ways:
* Assign tags to brush presets (right click -> assign to tag), use the preset selection on top to filter brushes by tags.
* The search field at the bottom filters brush presets with the same letters in the name, i.e. if I type "air" it shows me the brush presets with "airbrush" and "hairy" in their name.
* You can choose ten favorite brush presets (Settings -> Select favorite presets...). Those ten brush presets are available on the quick palette (Right click on the canvas).

If you want to filter your favorite brushes in the Brush Presets docker on the right, assign a "favorites" tags to the brushes an use the preset selection to filter them.


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