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Brush Lag

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Brush Lag

Fri Feb 28, 2014 4:27 am
Hello. I've just recently installed Krita, and I have been experiencing brush lag at file and brush sizes that don't seem like they should be all that intensive.

Example, I was working on a 1800px by 2000px file at 72ppi, using a brush that is only as complicated as having a square custom shape and directional rotation, the brush lags considerablly if I make a stroke too "quickly," which in this case isn't quick at all. I have the 64-bit version installed on my 64-bit Windows 7, OpenGL is turned on in the program, my video drivers are all up to date. I'm using an machine with 8GB of RAM, and I don't experience this sort of issue in Photoshop, SAI, or Sketchbook Pro.

Is there anything I can do about this? I would really like to use Krita, and while the lag isn't impossible to deal with it's just very disruptive.

Thanks in advance for any help, guys.


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