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Images imported as layer

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Images imported as layer

Sat Mar 22, 2014 5:39 pm
I use Layer...New...Import layer to import image.

If the image is smaller than Krita image size I select the transparent background (or color) of the imported image, invert the selection and drag it with the move tool to place it. Is there a way to align the image centered vertically and horizontally? What is the best practise for getting an image into a layer and center it?

Sometimes the image I import is larger than my Krita image size. The imported image is then cropped, sometimes with the interesting parts gone. I understand that I could select a larger image size from the start with krita, but that is not what I want. Is there a way to move the imported image to deside which part of it is visible? What is best practise when importing images larger than the canvas?



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