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Krita 2.8.1 Problems+Help Needed

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Krita 2.8.1 Problems+Help Needed

Sun Apr 27, 2014 1:19 am
Hello to every one on the Krita forum. :)

I have been having issues with Krita ever since the latest update to the Linux version 2.8.1, platform 4.12.4, and I would like to know how to fix them.

First of all, my current specks on my computer are:
AMD FX(tm)-6100 Six-core
16 GB ram
GPU AMD Radeon HD 7970
Manjaro Linux, kernel 3.13.10-1
KDE 4.12.4
Running openGL 3.1 native, screen resolution 2560x1600, 96 dpi
Proprietary video drivers linux313-catalyst
Wacom Intuos5 medium tablet

To begin with, I would like to let the people who have worked on Krita know that I appreciate the work that he or she has done, and I would like to thank you! So I hope that the persons involved in the Krita project who reads this are not offended by what I have to say. I do not intend to be spiteful or malicious in anyway, I am just reporting the issues that deteriorate your hard work. It is like a when a master chef has prepared a fine meal, one that he or she has put their heart and soul into making. So when the customer gets the carefully prepared food, all he or she can see is the thick, black, curly hair that is sticking out of their food. The hair distracts from the masterpiece and makes the dish unpalatable. Likewise, the problems that I am experiencing in Krita, are kind of like the black hair in the food.

What issues I am experiencing in Krita:
Since I upgraded to version 2.8, I can no longer see the size of my brush when re-sizing it (shift+move_mouse_right-or-left). There is no live feed back. I have tried using other cursor options, but the problem is universal. This is frustrating because I have to spend more time trying to fine-tune my brush size than I do painting (figuratively speaking). This feature worked flawlessly in the previous version. It was one of my top favorite feature in Krita.
The next issue that I have had with Krita, is the warp/re-size tool, I no longer have a live preview when moving a selection. I have to re-position the selected image, then hit enter before I can see where it has moved. Again, spending more time adjusting than painting (also worked fine in the last version).
Finally, the issue that frustrates me to no end is the shortcut/wheel access to favorite presets, used for selecting the brushes and colors, it is practically unusable. When I try to select a color or brush (I have more issues with previously selected colors than with brushes) it is unresponsive. I keep selecting and selecting, but nothing happens, if it does, it usually selects the wrong thing. Ultimately, the selection point is inaccurate and fickle. In order for it to register, I have to apply an unnecessary amount of pressure to my pen in order for it make a selection. Another technique I use, is to slide my pen/cursor toward the color box, but this doesn’t always work either. Ultimately, when making a selection, it is inconsistent and unresponsive. If I use my mouse to click the selection, it works fine. But what’s the point if I can’t use my pen? I had an issue with this in the previous version as well. I sometimes get so frustrated with it, I rage quit Krita. I do not want to ruin my pen or tablet. Please!! This needs to be fixed!

Other things that effect me using the “new” Krita:
Images are opened in Gemini by default (I would like to know how to change this). The reasons that I find this annoying is because: one, I do not have a touch screen and I do not see how it makes the UI more useful (seems like I have to click/select more and spend less time drawing). Secondly, the Gemini UI resolution looks awful. The interface is fuzzy, distorted, and clunky. I use a large HD display, 30 inch monitor, and when the window opens (full screen), it looks like when looking through muddy water. It is what I would expect to see on a Windows system, not KDE! If it had the KDE system theme, or adapted to my systems theme (even better), and supported high resolutions, it would not bother me so much, but as it is, I can not stand it. In addition, I feel that a more appropriate and cohesive settings option, in order to chose which files are opened by the default Krita (not Gemini/sketch) should have been implemented. Are the devs trying to imitate the Microsoft way? I sure hope not! Choice is what makes the KDE environment so great, this feature is just thrown out the window by the current design (I would rather it be right-click / open with Krita sketch, not set as the default option). Not liking the Gemini UI is more of a personal preference than anything; it is aesthetically unpleasing to me. I am picky about how my desktop and applications appear. Anything that I do not like on my KDE desktop, whether it has poor functionality or aesthetics, is either changed or removed from my system. So take it however you like. But as it stands, this component in the program affects Krita and the experience of using it.

Well I hope that your ears are not burning too much, and that I can find a solution to these issues soon, because, as of now, Krita is almost unpalatable. Again, I am only interested in Krita improving and seeing it succeed, not offending.
Thank you again for help and all your hard work and persistence with the Krita project.

Cheers! :)
KDE Developer
Sorry for the trouble.

The missing preview issue is most likely an issue with the AMD graphics card/driver. There is some mysterious problem that only happens on some systems. As all the developers have different cards and we were so far not able to track it down.

The other points I don't have that behavior so better file bug report and we might be able to fix it.

If you are using Krita on a desktop only, there is no need to use Gemini. If you distribution allows it, I would recommend that you remove gemini/sketch and keep just the desktop version.
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Thanks for the reply.
I guess that's the way things work; fix one issue to get ten more. :( I hope one day soon the graphic drivers wont be such an issue for Linux. But the sad thing is, they are designed for Windows but, generally, are still rubish.

I am going to fill out a bug report once I figure out how to do it on my other issues. I also did some reinstalls of Krita, while trying to uninstall gemini, that seemed to make the preset selection better, so far at least.

Currently, I havn't figured out how to unistall gemini/sketch without uninstalling Krita, it is all packaged as one. So this is my dirstros falt. :) lol.. I will go bug them then. :)
Thanks again.


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