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krita starts but doesn't work (black canvas)

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naughty ogre
Registered Member
hi everybody

i'm new here in the forum, but i use krita since a couple of years.
i have a "little" issue here, since i installed krita 2.8.
krita starts, but when i open a file (both new or existing imege) it shows a black canvas, and i can't do anything in it.
krita sketch seems to work, but krita gemini have the same problem (anyway, i don't really want to use krita sketch).
i launched krita from the terminal and that's the output

Code: Select all
Legacy integer arithmetics implementation
QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
krita(3205) KoResourceServer<T>::readBlackListFile: The file could not be parsed.
QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
[OpenColorIO Info]: Color management disabled. (Specify the $OCIO environment variable to enable.)
OpenGL version 1.1 or higher is present.
OpenGL version 1.2 or higher is present.
OpenGL version 1.3 or higher is present.
OpenGL version 1.4 or higher is present.
OpenGL version 1.5 or higher is present.
OpenGL version 2.0 or higher is present.
OpenGL version 2.1 or higher is present.
OpenGL version 3.0 or higher is present.
OpenGL version 3.1 or higher is present.
OpenGL version 3.2 or higher is present.
OpenGL version 3.3 or higher is present.
OpenGL version 4.0 or higher is present.
libpng warning: Duplicate iCCP chunk
libpng warning: Duplicate iCCP chunk
libpng warning: Duplicate iCCP chunk
libpng warning: Duplicate iCCP chunk
krita(3205) SpaceNavigatorDevice::start: starting spacenavigator device...
connect failed: No such file or directory
krita(3205)/kdeui (kdelibs): No such XML file "/home/ogre/.kde/share/apps/"

i think there's something with the libraries, but i can't understand where the problem is (i'm a little bit noob in that kind of stuff)
my OS is fedora 19. a fresh fedora 20 install (not a simple update) should solve the problem, but i would prefer to solve it without this extreme solution.
thanks to anyone who can (or try to) help :)
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KDE Developer
Try moving away .kde/share/config/kritarc and start krita again: it looks like there's a problem with your GPU/driver, and the opengl canvas.
naughty ogre
Registered Member
it worked!
thanks boudewijn, i knew you would have saved me *-*
p.s. yes, i have no doubt it's a gpu driver issue, amd it's driving me crazy -_-
User avatar
KDE Developer
Us, too! We even got a Radeon card to try and reproduce some crashes people reported, but dash it if it doesn't work perfectly in the test system...


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