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New user here I need a bit of help pls :)

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Good evening people, I'm a new Krita user and I'm enjoying my experience quite alot.

Anyway I wish to learn more but there's very little documentation online, so I must ask.

I'm having issues resizing some images, you see, I want to drop an image for reference in the background, however when I try to resize it through select->transform->dragging the border till it's the desired size the image does resize to the desired state, however as soon as I follow any other action the resizing gets reset and the selection lines remain the size of the enlarged image.

I've tried pressing enter, clicking elsewhere, moving the image a bit and every time it ends the same way with the image returning to it's original size rather than remain resized.

My other issue is, well I'm LOVING the path tool, it's awesome, far better than gimp's, but my issue is I can't find any way to change the brush, I want to use thinner pens or such, but even if I select other brushes it does the same huge thick lines, what I did in the meantime was to resize this brush, however I would love to be able to change the brush used through the path tool.

I would appreciate all help and suggestions.

KDE Developer
Tutorials can be found here:

Pressing enter should apply the transform. Alternatively there is an apply button in the tool options.

If you use the path tool on a normal paint layer it will use the brush that you use. So before you draw the path select a smaller brush in the toolbar. If you want to change the line width later you need to insert a vector layer and select the shape handling tool to change it.
Registered Member
Hey Dev, thanks alot for taking your time to respond :) the pathing brush change did worked, however the resizing still doesn't work to me, tried both through the enter key again and through "apply" in tools and no good, could it be a glitch?

I have another question, well I'm loving the path tool so much, however there is a limit to what I can do with it, I have a wacom drawing tablet, and I would like to know if there is a way to disable the pressure sensitivity? I can't make my strokes match the pathing tool's so my drawings look a bit odd, I've tried tweaking with opacity without success, I tried looking around the settings and preferences, but I think I overlooked it, I'm lost, I've also tried googling, but only find information on calibrating the sensitivity rather than disabling it.

Cheers! and I wish for the success of your software, It's truly epic :)

Edit: I'm aware of the pressure curve in tablet settings, however, I feel unconfortable tweaking on it, as it's a bit hard to restore (and understand for a newbie like me), hence why I look for an enable/disable function.
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KDE Developer
You can, in any given brush, turn off the pressure input by going into the brush editor, then click 'size'(or any of the other parameters) and turn off either 'use curves' or 'pressure'.

For convenience, rename the brush, and then save it. Then, in the brush preset panel, right click you newly made brush, and add a tag. That way you'll be able to easily filter out your brushes!

In some brush engines, like the bristle brush, you need to turn off 'mouse pressure(which maps size to speed)'.

Have fun! :)


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