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Cannot Open Saved Files

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Cannot Open Saved Files

Thu May 29, 2014 5:44 pm
I've had the weirdest start to my day technology-wise, so this does not surprise me haha

I just reopened Krita after restarting my computer, and the first red flag was that there were no recent documents listed when I knew there were at least 4 that should be there. When I went to the folder I saved them in I could not open the last file I was working in, when I try to click it this error message pops up:


Same happens when I click on the autosave of that file.

I'm not sure if it's the odd naming convention it seems to have picked up, or if the other errors I had to fix with my computer earlier had anything to do with it. At some point while I wasn't at my desk, the power strip I have my devices plugged into received a surge, there's a surge protector on it and nothing was damaged but my tablet and my 3rd monitor screen were acting a bit screwy. My next step was to just restart the computer to see if that would fix everything, so I saved the Krita file in question one last time and closed the program and then restarted. The only other messing around I did once it was back on was go into my tablet's preference file utility to delete my preferences due to a weird bug this particular tablet has. Then I went straight to Krita to test that the tablet was working again and that's when I noticed this problem.

Now, this file was pretty much just a doodle canvas so that I could get used to Krita a bit more since I just started to use it, and I'm pretty sure a friend of mine has some screenshots of it, so I won't be heartbroken if this isn't fixable, I'd just kinda like to know what happened for future reference. Also, like I said I'm very new to this program so I still need to learn how the files work and figure out all the ins and outs of the program.

Good news is, the other file that was missing from the Recent Documents menu works and opens just fine. Every other problem was fixed and this is the last one for me to look into, and I've searched the forums and anywhere else I could think of and haven't found anything similar to my problem. If I missed it somewhere though I apologise.

Thank you!
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KDE Developer

Re: Cannot Open Saved Files

Thu May 29, 2014 7:21 pm
It looks like a bit of a hard disk problem, to be honest. You can try to make a copy of these files and see whether a zip repair tool can fix them up; a .kra file is simply a zip file with some xml and binary data for every layer.
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Re: Cannot Open Saved Files

Thu May 29, 2014 9:29 pm
boudewijn wrote:It looks like a bit of a hard disk problem, to be honest. You can try to make a copy of these files and see whether a zip repair tool can fix them up; a .kra file is simply a zip file with some xml and binary data for every layer.

Thank you for your suggestion!

I went and tried a zip repair tool and the problem I kept running into was that it didn't see the Krita files as something it could open, and I went through all the options to see if I could change the file type or any other method to get the .kra files to open but it wouldn't take it. I looked in WinRAR to see what options popped up for me for the file in question, and it had a repair option that I tried, which gave me the message: the file "???" header is corrupt
That's led me to the assumption that this particular file has just bought the farm and I'm not going to be able to make heads or tails of it haha

Luckily though, I just found an older save of the file, it's missing just one sketch I did but thankfully I messaged a friend and they saved the screenshot I took of it earlier. So I still have everything, I just can't edit the one sketch anymore but it's not a big deal.

Thanks again for your help!


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