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Wacom Pen Tablet Accessibility

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Wacom Pen Tablet Accessibility

Tue Jun 17, 2014 4:59 am
:) I'm having some trouble with my pen tablet and Krita. I can't seem to set up my pen buttons correctly with the program. I wanted to set my first button to pan and scroll and my second to quick select my eyedropper. problem is that I don't have the ability to do that. I can't even seem to set it on my keyboard. Nor can I flip my pen around to use the eraser tool. I'm assuming there is a plugin for wacom pens?

For the second issue that I seem to be having is that my version of Krita seems to crash if I have a drawn document up. I was using a gimp document file and while trying to change cursors it crashed as soon as I pressed "OK". If anyone knows what is going on it would be very helpful for me.

The final thing I am searching for is an animation plugin for Krita. I know that there is a few in development. If there isn't one on hand, I can continue to use Photoshop for setting up my animation.

Thanks in advance for everything! [ALL VERSION INFORMATION IS BELOW!!! VVVVV]

Using Windows 8(x64)
Krita 2.8.3
Wacom intuos 4
Radeon HD Graphics card 6xxx series
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Re: Wacom Pen Tablet Accessibility

Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:03 am
1) The animation plugin isn't done yet, however, if you bought Krita Gemini, you might be able to try it out soon.

2)Settings -> Configure Krita -> Canvas Input Settings.
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Re: Wacom Pen Tablet Accessibility

Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:14 pm
TheraHedwig wrote:1) The animation plugin isn't done yet, however, if you bought Krita Gemini, you might be able to try it out soon.

2)Settings -> Configure Krita -> Canvas Input Settings.

Thanks for the fast reply. Yes, I have been in the canvas input settings but I am still confused as to how I can set it up to these two hotkeys. Last time I tried, the program crashed. which settings alter so that I can uses these to features.


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