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Auto-pan while in selection mode but not selecting.

Tags: selection, pan, bug selection, pan, bug selection, pan, bug
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I've recently started using Krita, and finding it much easier to make non-technical drawings than with GIMP - thanks everyone!

Sometimes when I'm in any of the non-brush modes but not actually dragging, and move the stylus to the right or the bottom of the canvas, it decides to scroll the image out of the window until it's almost entirely gone, and there are some mysterious arrows that have no tool-tip but seem to grow the canvas in that direction (which is neat, except for the lack of tool-tip explaining them).

Strangely, this auto-panning doesn't happen if I move to the top or left, unless I'm actually using the tool (which is when I'd want/expect it to happen!).

I can sometimes 'fix' this by selecting a brush, or using the mouse briefly instead of the tablet, but I haven't yet worked out a particular sequence to get out of whatever broken mode it is - nor into it either! What just seemed to work just now was choosing the lasso tool and drawing a circle with it, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't what I did last time.

It seems there's certainly a bug here:

a. that the panning happens even though I'm not actively using the tool, or
b. that the panning does not happen when I move to the top or left of the canvas.

I suspect it's 'a' given the other strange selection behaviour, but should I be reporting 'b'?

Additional: While it's doing its stupid auto-panning, the select-by-colour and select-by-area tools don't work whether I use the trackpad or the graphics tablet. But only the graphics tablet causes the auto-panning. Makes no difference if I unplug and re-plug the tablet in, or apparently if I shut Krita down and re-load the file. Too bad I can't attach a file. Oh, and if I have two documents open at the same time, it does this in one but not necessarily the other. So it's document-specific, as suggested by the behaviour persisting on loading the file.



Version 2.8.1
Using KDE Development Platform 4.13.2
Linux tayra 3.13.0-32-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 15 03:51:08 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
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Thought I knew the answer to this problem, but it came right back.


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