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Only when using tablet+ Krita: cursor feels "sticky"

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I have windows 8.1 64 bit, 4 gb of ram as well as the latest graphics driver and latest driver for my tablet (as far as I know, there are none, if there are any official or even unofficial, I'll give them a go.); It's a Monoprice 10X6.25 inch. I'm aware there are no guaranteed solutions for non-Wacom tablets, but suggestions are very much wanted, I want to rule out a complete lack of compatibility (in fact if there's any way to check for whether it's a compatibility issue that would be great) before I abandon the program completely.

This isn't an issue I find with mouse or when using my tablet with MS paint or screen annotation.
But when I apply a stroke to krita it seems to take a second before it reacts smoothly like it should.
EDIT: I find this occurs on Paint shop pro as well.


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