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Can't draw after lifting pen

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Can't draw after lifting pen

Tue Dec 09, 2014 7:37 pm
Hey, I'm using Krita 2.8.7 in Gentoo Linux x86 with a Wacom Intuos Pen (the newest, smallest one) and I'm having this problem: I can paint normally but when I lift the pen beyond the cursor movement threshold and put it back then it doesn't paint. I basically can't use the canvas: no painting, no right-click to bring up the color/tool selector, no scrolling the canvas. Clicking on the UI works normally, and if I click anywhere on the UI then it works normally again.

It did work fine with 2.8.5. I'm not having any problems with Gimp or Inkscape, only Krita. The same tablet works fine in another computer which is 64-bit but otherwise has the same setup.

I found a couple of posts (Missing brush strokes, Krita + non-wacom tablets) which document similar issues, but I can't seem to find the relation, as my problem is on Linux and my tablet is a Wacom.

It's mildly annoying, I'm getting used to keep the pen close to the tablet at all times but it's annoying anyways. Any ideas? Could it be a problem with Krita itself?
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