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Stroking a Vector Path with Brushes

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Stroking a Vector Path with Brushes

Fri Jan 30, 2015 3:07 pm
I just downloaded Krita (and really like it). I've been experimenting with the various features (and jumping all over the manual and interned tutorials) but I can't figure out if the program allows me to stroke a vector path I draw with any of the brushes (like in Adobe Illustrator). I love the brushes that come with the program and would like to be able to use them to stroke vector paths instead of just using them freehand.
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All the tools ranging from the "Freehand Brush Tool" to the "Multibrush Tool", produce a brush stroke if you're on a "Paint" layer (raster). But for shapes residing on a vector layer, there's an action to perform which, even so, produces a new Paint layer with your brush stroke. To clarify:

1. On a Paint layer: just create your shape and the current brush will be used to stroke its edges.
2. On a Vector layer: select your shape and go to (Menu) > Edit > Stroke selected shapes. It'll stroke the selected shape with your current brush preset but on a new Paint layer.
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mvowada wrote:All the tools ranging from the "Freehand Brush Tool" to the "Multibrush Tool", produce a brush stroke if you're on a "Paint" layer (raster). But for shapes residing on a vector layer, there's an action to perform which, even so, produces a new Paint layer with your brush stroke. To clarify:

1. On a Paint layer: just create your shape and the current brush will be used to stroke its edges.
2. On a Vector layer: select your shape and go to (Menu) > Edit > Stroke selected shapes. It'll stroke the selected shape with your current brush preset but on a new Paint layer.

Thanks. I knew there had to be a way to do it for vector layers. It was driving me nuts.


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