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Live edit gradient

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Live edit gradient

Wed Feb 11, 2015 6:43 am
I was looking into Krita possibilities and had a question about gradients. In Inkscape you can apply a gradient to a shape, and then edit the applied gradient "live". Meaning that you click on the shape/gradient with the gradient tool, and handles appear you can drag (changing the gradient appearance). Very useful. You can also change colors, add color stops etc.

At first sight I only saw the possibility of applying predefined gradients in Krita. Am I missing something or is there no "live" gradient editing (yet) in Krita?

(Sorry if this has been asked before, I did a forum search and found nothing, I'm new here. I am totally blown away by what Krita offers by the way, I was dreaming of a combination of Gimp and Inkscape and it actually exists! Superb piece of software, thanks devs!!).
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Re: Live edit gradient  Topic is solved

Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:31 am
Editing the gradient is possible, but only with vector objects. So, create a vector objects, and select the gradient tool from the top section of the toolbar. If you build Krita youself, you need to build karbon too, to have that tool.
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Re: Live edit gradient

Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:57 am
Great, that 's all I wanted. (Seems logical to me that only vector objects would be modifiable by handles anyway). Will try as soon as I get home.
Thanks for the quick reply!

Edit: For those having a hard time finding it, like me: it's amongst the other tools and looks more like a paint bucket I find, tilted to the left, with some colored dots around it. In my case it's the second tool down from the selection tool (the white arrow). If no vector shape is selected, it's greyed out.

Thumbs up for Krita!


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