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Krita using Graphics Tablet on a dual display setup

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Have Krita running on same machine Windows7 and KDE. The windows side Krita works well as use dual 22" displays and works on proper display with no dual display issue support. But on linux side cannot map boundaries for just one display left. As Linux treats my Huion H610 as one device across both displays and can only use half the surface to draw in krita.

Wondering if anything in the works or solutions in Krita using it on a dual display setup in KDE where I need to use full tablet surface in left display. Installed "Calibrate Touchscreen" and tapped the corners to finish and added section in my X11/xorg.conf.d folder to a 99-calibration.conf

Section "InputClass"
Identifier "calibration"
MatchProduct "HUION PenTablet"
Option "Calibration" "10 39930 71 24833"

Doesn't seem to work and don't even know if the Input class is being looked at by kde? And see tablet settings for pressure and assigning keys and such. But nothing to do with calibrating surface endpoints to canvas in krita.

Is anything in the pipe for this issue? As is a definite wish list item for me.
Any help resolving the issue is greatly appreciated. As hate to have to boot to Win7 just to use Krita.



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