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General Improvements

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General Improvements

Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:47 am
Hi everyone, I'm an illustrator who works on Krita on a daily basis. I would like to suggest some improvements.

My feedback is based on Krita 2.9.5 (Lime ppa)

The main issue with the bezier tool is that you cannot make a node/angle point after a curve. If I want to fill the form in the image shown below for instance, there is no way to stop my curve at point 2 and then continue with a straight segment. All points after a curve seems to be soft/smooth point. Would it be possible to have a shortcut (Ctrl or Shift) that one could press in order to obtain a smooth point or a node/angle point?

Often I work on an image in “postproduction” mode, without needing to have all layers, but keeping just a few of them (textures and light effects for instance). Now, in Krita it is possible to flat image, but why don't we add a “flat visible layers” (which exists in Gimp by the way) function so that one can choose which layers to flat? Or, if this is not possible, could at least be possible to select multiple layers and then merge them all in one?

(optional) At present if we merge a 50% opacity layer with the layer below, the new layer will have a 100% opacity. Would it be possible to keep the opacity of the upper layer?

Favorite presets:
I think there is still a bug with favorite presets. If I remove some presets from favorites, they appear again every time I restart Krita.

Polygone and Polyline:
Polygone and Polyline tools are completely useless since the bezier contains all function of those two.

Similar colors:
The “similar color selection” tool should have a “sample all layers options in the Tool option tab. By far, it is only possible to pick a color in the current layer, but sometimes one needs to select the same color in all layers.

In general I find the selection process in Krita not very intuitive. When dealing with complex selection, it is time-consuming to select different tools, check in which mode they were the last time we used them (if replace, intersect, add or substract) and use them accordingly. I think it would be better if every time a selection tool is taken, it will be in “replace” mode by default, and then one can switch to a different mode by pressing Ctrl/Shift.


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