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Building and starting Krita 2.9, blacklisting paintoppresets

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Elle Stone
Registered Member
My apologies in advance, this post is too long. I don't know if this is a user error or a Gentoo error.

Several months ago I was running Calligra/Krita from git on Gentoo, and everything was working just fine. I had a nice set of paintoppresets, including some from default Krita and some from other places, trimmed down to a useable number of brushes.

Then I tried to update, and Krita wouldn't start.

After sufficient hair-pulling, internet-searching, and recompiling, I deleted everything and started over, to no avail. So I installed Krita 2.8 from Gentoo portage.

I find Krita much easier to use when there are fewer rather than more paintoppresets. However, when using Krita 2.8 from Gentoo portage:

* I couldn't find the Trash icon for blacklisting paintoppresets.

* The "don't show" filter wasn't working. For example, I assigned the tag "trash" to an unwanted paintoppreset. Filtering using [trash] did show just the one paintoppreset. But filtering using ![trash] showed no paintoppresets at all.

* Modifying (actually creating, based on a previously saved file) the file "kis_paintoppresets.blacklist" didn't stop the unwanted paintoppreset from showing up in the list of available paintoppresets.

* Opening the resource folder resulted in Gwenview showing me 8 empty folders at "Custom Path -> tmp -> kde-elle -> gwenview98nzfu -> krita. This seems less than helpful.

Yesterday I unmerged Krita 2.8 from Gentoo portage and downloaded Calligra from git master. Calligra compiled and installed with no problems. FWIW, I used the recommended folder structure. Upon starting Krita, the splashscreen appeared, and Krita crashed, with the following output to the terminal:

elle@gentoo ~/kde4/inst/bin $ ./krita
# Adding a tablet device: Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Pen stylus
Device Type: "Stylus"
# Axes limits data
X: 0 14720
Y: 0 9200
Z: 0 0
Pressure: 0 2048
Rotation: -900 899
T. Pres: 0 0
# Adding a tablet device: Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Pen eraser
Device Type: "XFreeEraser"
# Axes limits data
X: 0 14720
Y: 0 9200
Z: 0 0
Pressure: 0 2048
Rotation: 0 1
T. Pres: 0 0
libpng warning: iCCP: too many profiles
libpng warning: iCCP: too many profiles
libpng warning: iCCP: too many profiles
libpng warning: iCCP: too many profiles
KCrash: Application 'krita' crashing...
KCrash: Attempting to start from kdeinit
KCrash: Connect sock_file=/home/elle/kde4/.kde/socket-gentoo/kdeinit4__0
Warning: connect() failed: : No such file or directory
KCrash: Attempting to start directly
KCrash failed to exec(), errno = 2
elle@gentoo ~/kde4/inst/bin $

I tried to find the right way to tell Krita where to find the sock_file: I searched the internet, tried some suggestions from the official "how to build Calligra" pages, tried copying the sock_file folders from /home/elle/.kde4 over to /home/elle/kde4/.kde. Nothing worked.

Then I modified a couple of Gentoo portage files so I could install calligra-9999 from Gentoo portage. Other than taking many hours, downloading and installing calligra-9999 went just fine. Unfortunately, the same thing happened as with installing calligra-krita directly from git: the splash-screen appeared and then krita crashed.

Any suggestions for blacklisting the paintoppresets with Krita 2.8 from portage? Am I just not seeing the icon? Am I typing the filter incorrectly?

Any suggestions for getting Krita 2.9 to actually start after it installs?

Is it possible that Krita 2.9 from portage is looking for .kde instead of .kde4? Could this also be causing issues when building Krita 2.9 directly from git in the "/home/elle/kde4" folder?

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KDE Developer
There's 2 resource folders: one in your krita install, the other the resource folder you opened, this is so that users don't accidentally go like 'oh, I'll delete ALL presets' and Krita stops working.

The trash-icon is only available in the top-bar preset docker, don't know why, but said docker is between the brush-settings and the brush-blending mode.

It's easier to tag the presets you do use than the other way around, btw, because the pop-up palette uses these tags too.
Elle Stone
Registered Member
TheraHedwig wrote:There's 2 resource folders: one in your krita install, the other the resource folder you opened, this is so that users don't accidentally go like 'oh, I'll delete ALL presets' and Krita stops working.

Why is the resource folder that I opened full of empty folders? What is supposed to be done with these empty folders? How does content get added to the empty folders?

Where is the resource folder that's in the krita install? I looked in /usr/share/. . . (and several other places) and couldn't find any folder with krita paintoppresets.
TheraHedwig wrote:The trash-icon is only available in the top-bar preset docker, don't know why, but said docker is between the brush-settings and the brush-blending mode.

I don't see any trash-icon on the top-bar preset docker. I'm not even sure what you mean by a "top-bar preset docker". But looking across the top edge of Krita, nothing looks like a trash icon and none of the popup hover texts remotely sound like a trash icon.

Here's a screenshot:
Can you give approximate coordinates for the trash icon(like 50% over and ten% down or some such)?

Elle Stone
Registered Member
I appreciate any help in finding the trash icon in Krita 2.8. Probably this will help with 2.9 as well.

I really do want to install and run Krita 2.9. I had it running a couple of months ago and really enjoyed using it. Then an update kept it from starting, indeed kept it from compiling. So I deleted all the build folders, downloaded from git master, and set up the build folders from scratch. And now it compiles but it won't run. The splash screen appears, but it can't find the sock_file.

Any help in getting Krita 2.9 from git to install and actually start and run would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

User avatar
KDE Developer
boud thinks the issue you're having "it sounds like a permissions issue in .kde", but he's not able to type much currently, and I haven't gotten hold of anyone else who knows more about building than I do...

This preset selector:

Also, the resource folder that the edit->resources->resource menu gives you are only your personal presets. Which is why they are empty.
It's very likely that you have three of these folders now, in any case search for 'paintoppreset' folder on your system, there should be one in the install folder where you install Krita (kde4/inst for example), and one in either .kde or .kde4. If that doesn't help, or look for *.kpp files, as those are what Krita saves it's presets as.
Elle Stone
Registered Member
I stopped by IRC and the very helpful suggestion was to run Krita using GDB. So I uninstalled Calligra from Gentoo portage and downloaded, built, and installed Calligra from git master (that took about 4 hours, 1 to download, 3 to build).

Upon first run under GDB, there was a segmentation fault:
Code: Select all
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007fffcb509630 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/
See viewtopic.php?f=139&t=126306 for a similar problem. So I downgraded opencolorio from Gentoo's 1.0.9-r1 to 1.0.8, and tried again. This time Krita actually opened. There was another segmentation fault under GDB:
Code: Select all
krita(2387) CanvasData::activateToolActions: "InteractionTool" : action "object_order_lower" conflicts with canvas action "rotate_canvas_left" shortcut: "Ctrl+["
[Thread 0x7fffb3a91700 (LWP 2439) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffc8fab700 (LWP 2434) exited]

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
So I ran krita without GDB, and it seems to run OK.

I still can't find the trash icon. I don't see any preset selector. The only pink and blue krita circle is at the very top, in the title bar.

Anyway, at least Krita is running, and I can delete the paintoppresets that I don't want to use (actually move them to another folder). So thanks! to everyone, and does anyone know where the misplaced trash icon is?

Elle Stone
Registered Member
[quote="TheraHedwig"]boud thinks the issue you're having "it sounds like a permissions issue in .kde", but he's not able to type much currently, and I haven't gotten hold of anyone else who knows more about building than I do...

This preset selector:

I finally found the place to delete paintoppresets! It's right there on the toolbar, when you hover over it, it says "choose brush preset", just where everyone said it was.



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