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A few questions for a video tutorial

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Hi there!

I'm currently working on some video tutorials dedicated to Krita ( Here's the first one ). As I explore the software, there are a few things I can't find, be it in the documentation, online, or just by experimenting directly in the tool. I'd like to be sure that some of those things don't exist or have no alternatives as of yet (to avoid saying wrong things in the videos). I'm using 2.9 on Windows:

1. Free Transform: There seems to be no way to scale down towards the pivot point. The scale constraint with the Shift key down always scales relative to the handle you picked. I tried using the alt, ctrl or even spacebar as modifier but couldn't achieve that. Even manual input in the tool options only scales down towards the transform's center.

2. Clipping masks/Preserve alpha: Is there anything faster than creating a group, moving the parent layer into the group and creating new layers with alpha preserve on?
I also put a shortcut on preserve alpha, but it doesn't seem to work. There is the pretty fast option to use Alpha into mask or to just work with the brush tool's alpha lock mode, but I'm looking for something like photoshop's clipping masks, that gives you the ability to modify the initial alpha fast and freely without the need to set them up in the layers tab (you just press CTRL ALT G in PS).

3. Many names are inconsistent between the workspace and the Configure Shortcuts window. For example, the actuall Fill tool has no icon and is called "Fill a contiguous area of color with a color, or fill a selection" (looks like a misplaced description). Alpha Locked = Preserve Alpha / Inherit Alpha = Write As Alpha...

Could anyone confirm or enlighten me on these points please?
Thanks much :) !
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KDE Developer
1. was a kickstarter goal, but wasn't picked.

2. Is one of the things that could go under the multi-layer handling kickstarter goal: (use your forum account in the ldap)

3. They are probably named oddly. Please report a bug.
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Registered Member
Thanks much for the quick answer! I'll compile notes about potential bugs, as I keep working with Krita. Gotta go through the active bugs list first, to avoid posting about already reported stuff ;)


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