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Krita 2.9 performance issues during desktop recording

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Recently I have been doing some desktop video captures of my art in Krita 2.9.6, and I have been experiencing some intermittent lag while painting. It will paint just fine for a few seconds, then afterwards it will slow down my strokes considerably for a few seconds, sometimes not showing a stroke until I have lifted the stylus up from the tablet. Afterwards, it will begin working smoothly again. Then pattern repeats every few seconds.

I am using a script with ffmpeg in Kubuntu 14.04 and 15.04 to capture my desktop, but I have also tried this with Record My Desktop app in the Ubuntu repos with the same results.

On the same computer, with an older version of Krita (2.7, 2.8 ), I didn't have these intermittent slowdowns with brush strokes while desktop recording with same image size A4 300 dpi. I just installed 2.8 from the Krita Lime repos, and everything is like it was before, smooth brush strokes on a A4 300 dpi image during desktop recording.

I have tried all the filter options, and disabling/enabling openGL, with the same results. I have also tried several different versions of ffmpeg to see if that was the issue, same results regardless of ffmpeg version. I even downgraded to Kubuntu 14.04 thinking it just might be some performance issues with Kubuntu 15.04, no difference unfortunately, which points me back to the Krita 2.9 as being the thing that has changed to cause these performance issues.

Adjusting the brush size smaller seems to help a bit, but I still get the stroke jumping/stalling behavior regardless of size.

Just wondering if there are other people out there experiencing a similar problem, and if they have been able to find a work around.

I am not sure how to troubleshoot this, and the only thing I have to go off of is that Krita 2.8 has no performance issues during desktop recording, and Krita 2.9 does have performance issues.


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