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Krita - OpenGL and Direct3D OBS/Streaming issue

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Hmm... okay so I have an interesting issue here and I'm trying to figure out a way around it :3

I'm trying to record/stream myself drawing with Krita so my viewers can see what I'm trying to draw or so I can view something I've drawn and the process of how I did it to help me learn how to draw more effectively.

I've run into some problems while using Open Broadcasting Software: Multiplatform (OBS MP). OBS MP is a streaming/recording application that the OBS team is moving forward with, and OBS MP works perfectly fine... however, when I try to add a Window source to a scene and point the source to the Krita application Window, I see nothing but a "white screne" or old Buffered data on OBS when I have OpenGL enabled in Krita.

I made sure to set OBS MP to render in OpenGL mode, restarted the application and tried recording Krita:

Here's Krita with the OpenGL option toggled off. OBS MP is also rendering in Direct3D 11 mode:
My only problem with using this method is that when I zoom in/out sometimes the image is distorted due to bad back-buffer data being viewed within the canvas and I have to "go over" the pixels to reveal where the image really is within the canvas.

What I'd love to do is be able to use Krita in OpenGL mode and have it rendered to OBS MP. I don't know if the problem is the version of OpenGL OBS MP uses, the version Krita uses, or if the issue is with my graphics card. If I have to use Direct3D then I guess I just have to use it, but I'd prefer to stick with OpenGL and be able to stream without disabling Aero in OBS MP.

I've seen some of the developers and other artists record with OBS without any issues. Is this just an OBS MP issue or is there some other settings that I need to configure Krita for in order to get the rendered data in the Krita application window seamlessly?
Registered Member
I had this problem with OBS too. Here's my thread over on the OBS forums. ... ome.33938/

Unfortunately, I never did solve the problem. When OpenGL is turned off in Krita, you can see the canvas - but at least on my machine I can't see any other child windows. Not new document, not menus, just the canvas. Turning OpenGL on removes the canvas too.

I don't think it's a Krita Problem though because OBS has the same kind of issue in PhotoShop. PhotoShop too uses OpenGL, as well as OpenCL.

I've tried to find alternative programs that are just as good. No luck yet.

The most obvious workaround is to record the monitor, not windows. That works. But it's very non-optimal for me. When I record, I have a mess of audiorecorders, wordprocessors (for the script) on the screen. It just looks terribly messy as I crab around trying to keep up with myself. :)

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KDE Developer
Yes, I've heard of this before, and the problem seems to be that OBS cannot record opengl windows...
Registered Member
Yeah, I made a video about this on Youtube that describes the problem - from my POV.

But since it's not a Krita problem, there's not a lot you can do, is there? ;D

Silvio Grosso
Registered Member
Hi Canon,

Just watched your video on YouTube :)

Just out of curiosity:
1) have you reported this bug on the OpenBroadcaster forum in order to allow them to try to fix it in the future ?

2) What other software did you try on Windows on top of OpenBroadcaster and Fraps ?

I have just recorded myself a video with Krita 2.9.6 on Windows 7 - 64 bit (nvidia graphic card > geforce gt540M > driver 355.60) to test the OpenGL behaviour.
With BBFlash Back Exrpress Recorder 5.10 (build 3715) I have no problem at all : ... SHBACK.avi

I have tried to open many different softwares while recording Krita (e.g. Gimp 2.8.14 - Notepad++) and everything works fine.
In the end I have saved my video as AVI (xvid codec); NO audio recorded (usually, I prefer to add it later on with Audacity); and my 2,20 minutes video is 16 Mb in the end.
To edit my videos I usually run VirtualDub or Shotcut (both open source).

BBFlash Back recorder is *NOT* open source and I run the freeware ( Express ) version which is free.
In the long past I have tried Camstudio and Vlc player too but they are not on par with BBFlash Back Express Recorder IMHO...
I have even tried OpenBroadcaster but after having read your post I think I will definitely stick with BBFlash Back ;D


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