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No Wacom pressure until after restart

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I noticed that my wacom tablet needs to be on before starting krita or else the pressure doesn't work. Drawing is ok but everything is just at max pressure. If I turn on my wacom tablet before starting krita, the pressure is fine. Here are my versions of things:

Code: Select all
$ uname -a
Linux carlo-arch 4.1.4-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Aug 3 21:30:37 UTC 2015 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ krita --version
Qt: 4.8.7
KDE Development Platform: 4.14.10
Krita: 2.9.5

I noticed running krita with my wacom on will log this:

Code: Select all
# Adding a tablet device: Wacom Intuos Pro M (WL) Pen stylus
Device Type: "Stylus"
# Axes limits data
X:        0 44704
Y:        0 27940
Z:        0 0
Pressure: 0 2048
Rotation: -900 899
T. Pres:  0 0
# Adding a tablet device: Wacom Intuos Pro M (WL) Pen eraser
Device Type: "XFreeEraser"
# Axes limits data
X:        0 44704
Y:        0 27940
Z:        0 0
Pressure: 0 2048
Rotation: 0 1
T. Pres:  0 0

But if I turn on my wacom after krita is already started, it doesn't log that.

Is this a krita bug or a linux bug? If it's a krita bug, I'd be interested in trying to contribute a patch.

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KDE Developer
Yes, that's correct. Krita doesn't detect tablets if you connect them after starting Krita, you need to plug in the tablet before starting Krita.


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