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"Not a valid Krita file"

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"Not a valid Krita file"

Thu Sep 17, 2015 9:51 pm
Hello! I'm new here, and I may post an introduction if there's an introduction thread, but I have an issue with a Krita file right now.

Last night, I began drawing the guidelines (just body and hair) for a a character of mine. I tried opening it today to work on it some more, but and error message on Krita came up saying that it isn't a valid Krita file, even, though it's file is a .kra file. Am I doing something wrong, or is Krita buggy with its file saving? I'm pretty new to this software, so maybe I did something wrong, and if someone could help me out, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
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Re: "Not a valid Krita file"

Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:44 am
Krita files are zip files, actually. You can try if a zip file repair tool can access your file. Usually, when there are problems saving files, it's either hardware, or a lack of disk space. The saving code itself is quite robust, where we'll save to a temporary file, and only when that succeeded, copying the temporary file over the target file. But in real life, there are hundreds of ways things can break, I'm afraid.
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Re: "Not a valid Krita file"

Sun Sep 20, 2015 5:48 am
It happened to me a lot of times (not lately), possible solutions: 1. manually write the .kra extension 2. restart the app :-\ 3. check if you are either exporting or saving kra file, it happened a lot to me if i tryed to export to jpg, manually writing a extension would again solve it 4. Update! i think this occured to me with krita 2.8 which is on the ubuntu repositories, i think it got solved in 2.9, 5. try saving to another folder... Hope it helps!


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