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Make a Black Metal Texture?

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Make a Black Metal Texture?

Sun Oct 11, 2015 3:58 pm
I know a little bit of photoshop and gimp but i'm not a pro yet.

I found a silver metal texture and but I'm trying to figure out how I could convert it into a black metal looking texture?

It's already seamless and has holes in it and I wanted to then use it to blend in with the background of a website sorta. I didn't want the silver because I don't think it'd look right otherwise I wouldn't be asking about it.

I couldn't find any krita tutorials about Metal Textures after looking around for a little while unless I've missed them somewhere and I'm unsure if I would confuse myself more looking at tutorials in Photoshop and Gimp...

Could anyone advise me on this or maybe at least point me to a good tutorial that will help with this please? Thank you in advance!


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