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Custom shortcut did not work when starting up (and more)

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Have been digging around for a few days now, it is very impressive so far.
Found something while trying to get all the settings ready for real test run.

- Custom shortcut did not work when starting up Krita
~ all menu is shown with default shortcut until creating a canvas / enter shortcut settings, Then all menus will get the custom shortcut back.
- Krita fail to start if all brush is deleted.
- Sometime startup with wrong workspace. (restarting do the trick)

Running on Windows 7 x64

Some other things
- Is there a way to completely remove tags?
- Is it possible to overwrite default shortcuts? (To have them all blank or customize the default itself, I don't need default anyway)
- Categorized items in shortcut setting? (Pretty hard to know which is what at the moment)
- Shortcut for inherit alpha please : )

Also new to this place. I've given up on SAI2 now.
Not sure if posting in the correct forum. Forgive me if something above is posted by someone else already, and please show me around : )


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