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brush selecting from favourite presets list problem

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I am new to Krita so I hesitate to call the following a bug, which is why I post it here in the hope to get aither a solution of a confirmation.

I am drawing with the Pencil-HB brush, which I have placed in my favourite Presets, together with a few other brushes that I now decided to remove from the list. To do this I select a brush, right-click and choose 'remove from this list'. This works as it should. I then select my Pencil_HB brush again, but it reacts like the brush I just removed.
When going back to the All brushes list and selecting the Pencil_HB brush there, it is once again as it should be.

My specs are Win 7 Pro, and Krita 2.97.
I know that meanwhile 2.9.8 is out, but I have not seen this behaviour mentioned in the list of changes.

thanks for replying.


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