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Found forums!!!! Help with patterns

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Found forums!!!! Help with patterns

Wed Nov 11, 2015 2:39 am
I can see my patterns by putting the docker on the page but I simply cannot figure out how to use those beautiful patterns to fill in an area or use them in any way.

I have tried finding information and the Krita manual, the Wiki anyway, (maybe there is another?) seems to be from 1.6 and says something about tagging the pattern but that is all I can find.

I found some more documentation about pixel brushes that says you can select a pattern to use with them to fill areas but for the life of me I can't find the screens that they are mentioning. With my luck, even though it said Krita it was actually some other software.

Could anyone tell me how to make use of the patterns?

I can get along without them now as I am new to Krita and just not reconnecting back to whatever artistic ability I have after 40 years in the workforce. I was forced to retire for health reasons and to keep my sanity my doctors think doing something like art work which I used to do and love so much would be very good for me.

I am fairly technical as I spent 40 years in Information Technology and can program in anything from mainframe assembler to C++, C#. Java and even a fair hand at Python and a couple of other scripting languages. Yes, I am an ancient Geek who kept current.

I am in love with Krita and I don't care what my art work looks like at first as I have to get my confidence back and get my internal eye back. All good things as they keep me from missing work. :-)

If anyone could help me, if it would not offend you too much there would be many blessings sent your way.

I have met a couple of wonderful people through my very small introduction so far to Krita like a gentleman named Vasco who is a wonderful artist the the folks involved just seem like the best people I have had the good fortune to meet in decades. Of course, I am old and fairly wise enough to realize that someone will likely go out of their way to rain on my parade but I simply don't care. I have great hopes for what I can eventually do with this beautiful software.

So, 1) if anyone can point me to a fairly current manual (I tried the Krita site itself but that was where I found that the document is a bit behind, understandable as people are working on the code and assuming folks can figure out the rest. I can get most of it but there are a few things that kind of baffle me but I am literally brand new to digital painting. And 2) if someone could explain about patterns (and maybe textures?) and how to use them, I would be so much in your debt that it would be impossible to thank you enough or with my limited funds adequately compensate you. Sorry! Living on disability, and believe me, not by choice makes me make many decisions on those few dollars floating in on occasion.


Richard Morgan
Also known as Natarthos or Natarthos Sothratis in MMOs and most sites. :-) Like I said, ancient Geek
Registered Member
well, it seems there are issues with patterns, i can't use them, either with the bucket tool, nor edit>fill with pattern.

BUT selecting pattern in color source, in the brush settings window, OR creating a "Fill" layer works. The layer method can be used with a prior selection, as it will only fill the selection.
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Kaerhon wrote:well, it seems there are issues with patterns, i can't use them, either with the bucket tool, nor edit>fill with pattern.

BUT selecting pattern in color source, in the brush settings window, OR creating a "Fill" layer works. The layer method can be used with a prior selection, as it will only fill the selection.

I hate to ask but where do you find the brush settings window. I am such a noob.

Thanks for the help though!!!!!

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Hi Kaerhon,

I can fill the pattern with bucket tool, its working here by selecting use pattern in the fill tool's tool option.

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@RichardMorgan, look at the top toolbar, between colors and blending modes

@kamathraghavendra, hmmmmm. hmmmmmmmmm. that must mean this is not that much widespread. i should fill a bug report. thank you for telling :)
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Kaerhon wrote:@RichardMorgan, look at the top toolbar, between colors and blending modes

@kamathraghavendra, hmmmmm. hmmmmmmmmm. that must mean this is not that much widespread. i should fill a bug report. thank you for telling :)

I still cannot find it. Rather close to giving up to be honest but thanks for trying to help.

With the ability to change the appearance of the desktop so much, your page and mine could look completely different. Could you insert a cropped image of where you found it and maybe how you got there in the first place? Thanks!



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