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Fri Nov 13, 2015 4:47 pm
I must have really asked a stupid question or put it in the wrong forum. Regardless, please delete this post to save space and reduce non-helpful clutter.

I found some brushes that are not in a .bundle file but are in folders.

The brushes end in .gbr which I thought was the GIMP brush type.

Two questions,

I would love to see what are in these brushes but when I copied them to the brushes (with their folders) folder for Krita, I don't see them when I manage resources, Is it because they are the wrong type, are in folders or that they are not in a ,bundle file?

I can see that you can create a new bundle from brushes you have imported already but what about these that are not in a bundle. I cannot make them visible, so far, even when I changed to .gbr for importing and imported all the brushes under one of the folders.

I hope some of this makes sense, I am playing with bundles and brushes trying to find a brush set that I feel comfortable with.

Anyone have an idea or should I stick with the presets, learn them and all the things you can do to them with all the tremendous options already available?




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