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Krita renders certain fonts incorrectly

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Krita incorrectly renders certain fonts, so that the letters are a little squashed, cut off, or have extra wedges of "ink." I'm not sure how to describe it better than that. So let's look at some examples.

Most of the fonts I have are TTF files, taken from the Google Fonts repository (now hosted on GitHub). One of those fonts is Quicksand. Funny enough, the italic version looks the way it should, but the others have similar problems as in the screenshots below.

Here's what the Quicksand font is supposed to look like (screenshot taken in LibreOffice):

And here's what it looks like in Krita:

Strangely enough, Quicksand does render correctly in the Paragraph Format dialog's preview box.

I haven't tested my entire font collection yet, but I've noticed at least a couple other fonts that have pretty much the exact same sort of buggy rendering -- all of them light sans serif fonts, if that makes a difference.

I'm running Krita 2.9.8 on Fedora 23 (64-bit) with GNOME 3.18. My graphics card is a GeForce 9600 GT, and I have the proprietary Nvidia drivers installed.

Let me know if you need any other information. Thanks.
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Here's the terminal output when I start Krita, create a new file, create some text, and set its font to Quicksand in the Paragraph Format dialog.

Code: Select all
$ krita

Legacy integer arithmetics implementation
libpng warning: iCCP: too many profiles
libpng warning: iCCP: too many profiles
libpng warning: iCCP: too many profiles
libpng warning: iCCP: too many profiles
connect failed: No such file or directory
WARNING: KisImageConfig: requested config synchronization from nonGUI thread! Skipping...
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OpenGL version 2.0 or higher is present.
OpenGL version 2.1 or higher is present.
OpenGL version 3.0 or higher is present.
OpenGL version 3.1 or higher is present.
OpenGL version 3.2 or higher is present.
OpenGL version 3.3 or higher is present.
krita(12171)/koffice (lib komain) KoRuler::createGuideToolConnection: No guides tool found, skipping connection
krita(12171)/koffice (lib komain) KoRuler::createGuideToolConnection: No guides tool found, skipping connection
krita(12171) CanvasData::activateToolActions: "InteractionTool" : action "object_order_raise" conflicts with canvas action "rotate_canvas_right" shortcut: "Ctrl+]"
krita(12171) CanvasData::activateToolActions: "InteractionTool" : action "object_order_lower" conflicts with canvas action "rotate_canvas_left" shortcut: "Ctrl+["
krita(12171) CanvasData::activateToolActions: "ArtisticTextToolFactoryID" : action "edit_select_all" conflicts with canvas action "select_all" shortcut: "Ctrl+A"
krita(12171) CanvasData::activateToolActions: "ArtisticTextToolFactoryID" : action "edit_deselect_all" conflicts with canvas action "deselect" shortcut: "Ctrl+Shift+A"
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krita(12171)/koffice (lib flake) KoRTree<T>::remove: KoRTree<T>::remove( const T&data) data not found
QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::activated() to SimpleTableWidget::restartPainting()
QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action
krita(12171) CanvasData::activateToolActions: "TextToolFactory_ID" : action "format_alignright" conflicts with canvas action "KisToolSelectRectangular" shortcut: "Ctrl+R"
krita(12171) CanvasData::activateToolActions: "TextToolFactory_ID" : action "insert_specialchar" conflicts with canvas action "Select Color Blending Mode" shortcut: "Alt+Shift+C"
krita(12171) CanvasData::activateToolActions: "TextToolFactory_ID" : action "format_underline" conflicts with canvas action "krita_filter_hsvadjustment" shortcut: "Ctrl+U"
krita(12171) CanvasData::activateToolActions: "TextToolFactory_ID" : action "format_sub" conflicts with canvas action "KisToolSelectContiguous" shortcut: "Ctrl+Shift+B"
krita(12171) CanvasData::activateToolActions: "TextToolFactory_ID" : action "format_alignleft" conflicts with canvas action "krita_filter_levels" shortcut: "Ctrl+L"
krita(12171) CanvasData::activateToolActions: "TextToolFactory_ID" : action "insert_annotation" conflicts with canvas action "copy_merged" shortcut: "Ctrl+Shift+C"
krita(12171) CanvasData::activateToolActions: "TextToolFactory_ID" : action "change_text_direction" conflicts with canvas action "image_properties" shortcut: "Ctrl+Shift+D"
krita(12171) CanvasData::activateToolActions: "TextToolFactory_ID" : action "insert_index" conflicts with canvas action "KisToolTransform" shortcut: "Ctrl+T"
krita(12171) CanvasData::activateToolActions: "TextToolFactory_ID" : action "format_aligncenter" conflicts with canvas action "KisToolSelectElliptical" shortcut: "Ctrl+E"
krita(12171) CanvasData::activateToolActions: "TextToolFactory_ID" : action "format_italic" conflicts with canvas action "invert" shortcut: "Ctrl+I"
krita(12171) CanvasData::activateToolActions: "TextToolFactory_ID" : action "format_bold" conflicts with canvas action "KisToolSelectPath" shortcut: "Ctrl+B"
krita(12171) CanvasData::activateToolActions: "TextToolFactory_ID" : action "edit_select_all" conflicts with canvas action "select_all" shortcut: "Ctrl+A"
krita(12171) CanvasData::activateToolActions: "TextToolFactory_ID" : action "format_stylist" conflicts with canvas action "save_incremental_version" shortcut: "Ctrl+Alt+S"
krita(12171) CanvasData::activateToolActions: "TextToolFactory_ID" : action "format_alignblock" conflicts with canvas action "view_clear_perspective_grid" shortcut: "Ctrl+J"
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QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current.
QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current.
QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current.
QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current.
QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current.
QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current.
QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current.
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Bump. Anyone have any idea what's going on here?
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KDE Developer
No, and I haven't been able to reproduce, nor find time to investigate deeper.
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Registered Member
I have the same issue when I export the image too, so it's not just a problem with Krita rendering the font in-application.

Edit: I also tried re-downloading the Quicksand font file (from the GitHub repository), to see if maybe my old copy had somehow gotten corrupted. However, this hasn't fixed the issue.

If there are any other tests that I could do to help investigate, let me know.


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