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Krita 2.9 Animation: Copying and Pasting

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I'm sort of new to Krita, I absolutely love the interface and possibilities of the brush engines and I've been testing the viability of the Animation beta for a basic personal pipeline, which may results in a handful of help threads like these; bear with me, please :)

So I'm wondering about how Krita handles copying and pasting, and the issues that emerge in combination with the new animation layers. Since (as far as I know) pasting something from the clipboard in Krita always creates a new layer, there seems to be no (easy) way of pasting stuff in a frame once it's been turned into an animation layer.

You can duplicate a frame to create another, but if you happen to require copying stuff from two or more different frames (say, parts of various poses, props, etc.), you're in trouble. You could just paste each individual element to new temp layers, grab a clone brush and paint in the frame with the source set in that temp layer, but the solution seems a bit... circumlocutious.

It gets worse if you're thinking of using an existing video/image sequence as a base for final cleanup/ink&paint or rotoscoping in Krita. You can get the images in as layers, but without an acceptably simple way of turning them into frames, it's kind of useless.

So am I missing something in the way C&P works in Krita that could be used to smooth the process?


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