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Cintiq 13HD offset bug, slightly different from the others

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Ok, so I know this is somewhat of a well understood bug and that there are fixes out there.
However I can't seem to get any of them to work, from the standard uninstall and reinstall,
to the tried and true custom scaling fix none seem to work 100%.

Basically it's like this, I'm running a dual monitor setup and when I open the program it
prompts me with a small window that asks if Windows is right or Krita is right about my
screen resolution, and since I run a 1440p as my other monitor, the numbers get a bit
big. None the less if I pick either of the large options which incorporate both of my screens
instead of just the resolution of the Cintiq, I get pressure sensitivity but a huge 2 inch
offset. On the other hand if I choose a custom resolution I lose pressure sensitivity but
gain accuracy.

Short of going single monitor every time I want to draw, that or sacrifice pressure sensitivity
I'm at the end of my ideas and was wondering if there was a solution out there I hadn't tried.

For a bit more details.

I'm running Windows 10
I have the 64-bit version of Krita which is version
I'm running a slightly older Radeon HD6970
And an Intel i5-3750K

Any info would be greatly appreciated, I don't have a whole lot of experience with Wacoms
either so any info would be, once again, greatly appreciated.

And since this is my first post if this isn't the place to post this I'd appreciate some guidance there


Registered Member
Finally managed to fix it, changed the DPI scaling in the compatibility tab under the properties menu of the Shortcut and it worked out.

Found the solution when I tried to get Paint Tool Sai to work as well.
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KDE Developer
ddean wrote:Finally managed to fix it, changed the DPI scaling in the compatibility tab under the properties menu of the Shortcut and it worked out.

Found the solution when I tried to get Paint Tool Sai to work as well.

Thanks for reporting back with that!

I think I saw a few commits dedicated to getting wintab scaling to work in our 3.0 tablet support rewrite. Hopefully this means 3.0 will be able to get around dpi scaling. (not sure though)


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