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Limit color selection to edge

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Limit color selection to edge

Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:51 pm
I want to select area locally limited by line art, but which is not globally closed area (yes, I am again about problem "how not to draw/erase over lineart boundary" - how do other artist on youtube speedpaints avoid this problem?..)

So, I need somehow to limit color selection to local area (defined by something by lasso or brush or another way).

I somehow managed to do this way, but it contains too many steps, some are without hotkeys and need to click on small buttons in different places of screen. Maybe there is easier way to create local color selection with continuity limited to small area without moving stylus to small buttons?

1) Switch to lineart layer ( no hotkey ), and create copy of layer ( Ctrl + J )
2) switch to proper thin brush to draw line ( no hotkey )
3) draw line to create the closed area and limit the selection
4) Click on "Continuos selection tool" ( No default hotkey )
5) Click on the area I want to select
6) Delete temporary layer ( no hotkey )
7) Switch back to layer I want to draw ( no hotkey )
8) Switch back to brush I want to draw inside selected area ( sometimes '/' hotkey, but not reliable )


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