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windows update wacom feel driver

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windows update wacom feel driver

Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:26 pm
I really don't know what the problems I am having is, so I am going to give some history of my computer / useage and hope someone can figure out what the bug is so it may be fixed in next update? I am running a Surface pro 2 i5 with windows 10. 8 months ago i restored my computer and updated it to windows 10. I did not install the wacom feel drivers because I intended to use it as a desktop with a huion h610 pro. A month ago I realized I wanted the portability of my surface back so I uninstalled the huion and installed the wacom feel drivers and all of my software worked flawlessly. A few days ago my computer started lagging and chrome and krita started crashing and my bluetooth keyboard started disconnecting. I dont install random software and only go to safe websites, this really couldnt be a virus. I realized there were a number of windows updates that needed to be done so I did this to see if it fixed the problem. I got my computer up to date and windows uninstalled the wacom feel drivers? I reinstalled the drivers then opened krita and the pressure sensitivity works but I cant use my thumb and index finger to zoom. I can somewhat use them to pan, but it is difficult. Photoshop has this same issue. Manga studio 5 and mischief 2 does not have this issue. I am considering backing everything up and doing a restore of my computer, however I really dont want to have to do this because everything was working perfectly only a couple days ago... Could this be caused by residual files from the huion driver? I had a lot of problems when I was trying to use the huion and wacom simultaneously, and installed and reinstalled the wacom and huion drivers so I could use the surface both ways, it eventually caused major complications leading to the initial restore.
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Hm, you for certain cannot have huion and wacom drivers on the same computer. It's a big problem for me too, because I need three different physical Windows computers to test with the wacom, huion and yiynova tablets the manufacturers sent me to test with.

It is entirely possible that the combination of uninstall, reinstall and windows updates may have messed up your system, so I'm afraid my recommendation would be to restore (if that's still possible, I cannot restore the Surface Pro 3 after updating to Win10), and then run all updates, then install the wacom driver, then the software you're using.

Oh, and now that I think of it: installing Photoshop will also do something to the system drivers, and uninstalling photoshop doesn't undo that...
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Hmm well ill try to restore it, interested to see if itll be painless lol. Is it uncommon for windows to uninstall a driver in an update? It just was really weird that my wacom drivers were uninstalled in the update.... Ill let ya know if it works!
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Well, I've been getting a ton of complaints about windows updates breaking tablet support recently.
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Restored and all is working properly, so i dont know what went wrong but maybe it was hidden huion drivers which freaked out my computer during the update? Thanks!
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KDE Developer
liamnonig wrote:Restored and all is working properly, so i dont know what went wrong but maybe it was hidden huion drivers which freaked out my computer during the update? Thanks!

That's great to know! Hopefully we'll get by the tablet driver storm soon with 3.0.


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