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Make Huion H610 pen button bring up Krita's pop-up palette?

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Hi All,
My first post here... I'm a Windows 7 user and I just purchased a Huion H610 drawing tablet, with latest driver from the Huion site. The painting software I'm using is Krita 2.9.10.

I find that the top pen button (which should emulate a right mouse-click) does not have any effect in Krita. I Googled and found that I am not the only one to discover this. How do you configure Krita so that the pop-up palette appears when you click the pen's top button?

If I could configure Krita so that the pop-up pallete appears from a shortcut key, I could possibly configure my Huion H610 pen's button to emulate that same keystroke, but I do not see any reference to the pop-up pallete in Krita's shortkut keys configuration menu-item (settings/confogure shortcuts).

Is there some other way to get the pop-up pallete to respond to my H610 pen button?

Alternatively (option of final resort), is there a good, free alternative to Krita that will let me use the pen buttons as intended?

Many thanks... :)



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