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<Unnamed topic>

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<Unnamed topic>

Tue Jan 19, 2016 5:58 am
Krita in many dialogs refer my paintings by default name "Unnamed".
Like «do you want to save "Unnamed"».

Even if I set proper name in File->Document Information - this name copied to "save as" and "save incremental version" files. So, even when document is referred by wisely chosen name - it is very confusing.

Also, almost all my documents are unnamed, and I am sure most of people do not bother with these "Documents properties" too, when file name is descriptive enough.

1) "Unnamed" is not a string and not a name. This is absence of a string, and absence of any name. Letters on the screen "Unnamed" is just visualization of the empty name, but this visualization should be empty where both file-name and missing name are present.
2) Add file-name in places, where only document name is used now.

PS. Name of topic "<Unnamed topic>" is a pun, just a demonstration of confusion with Krita document name :)

Last edited by dobrokotov on Tue Jan 19, 2016 6:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: <Unnamed topic>

Tue Jan 19, 2016 6:38 am
Hi dobrokotov

I agree with your observation, at times I get confused too, when we have multiple documents open and we are about to close them, the save dialog that appears has unnamed in it and not the file name.
I was about to make a wish bug for this too.

+1 for your suggestion of using only file name

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Re: <Unnamed topic>

Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:14 am
If I save a an unnamed document as "bla", in any file format that I tested, from that moment on "bla" is shown everywhere. If I reset the name, or create the document with a certain name, that's shown. As far as I can manage, I only see "Unnamed" for unsaved, unnamed documents.

The reason you get "untitled" in the save as and export dialogs is that at one point, ten years ago, someone decided that if you export a document or save it as another document, the original document name is bound to be wrong, and dangerous too:

if (document->url().isEmpty() || saveas) {
// if you're just File/Save As'ing to change filter options you
// don't want to be reminded about overwriting files etc.
bool justChangingFilterOptions = false;

KoFileDialog dialog(this, KoFileDialog::SaveFile, "SaveDocument");

I couldn't find any other dialogs, certainly not "many" where we refer to a document with a known filename or title as "Unnamed". If you know of others, please make a bug report.

(I know I sound like a broken record, and I know I'm behind triaging bugs, but forum posts are not going to land on anyone's todo list.)


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