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Photoshop brushes

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Double Dee
Registered Member

Photoshop brushes

Sun Apr 10, 2016 8:31 am
I have a question regarding Photoshop brushes:
How well they work in Krita? How accurately software can interpret Photoshop brush settings and transform these into Krita brush settings?

Also how it is about .tpl brushes (tool presets)? I didn't find any option in Krita to import tool presets. There are couple of PS brushes that are exported into .tpl format. How different is .tpl from .abr? - it saves whole tool's settings instead of only brush settings, so creator can define if their brush is a normal brush, smudge brush or burn tool for example. Would it be possible to make Krita be able to read this type of files? Just for brush and smudge brush tools.
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Re: Photoshop brushes

Sun Apr 10, 2016 9:02 am
Tool presets aren't supported at all. Adobe hasn't published the file format specification so we cannot implement support. And even if they had, Photoshop's tools and Krita's tools work are, of course, completely different, so it's doubtful tool settings could be mapped in any useful way.

Krita can load older abr brushes, with lots of limitations, because, again, Adobe hasn't published the file format specification. We can read the mask data, but that's it.
Billy W.
Registered Member

Re: Photoshop brushes

Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:14 pm
If you understand the photoshop brush engine well.. and learn kritas.. its easy to replicate the photoshop brushes once you get the brush tip from the abr file.. Krita has more breathing room to further customize the brush and is excellent at recreating the photoshop brush experience.. But it does require getting familiar with the pixel brush engine. Since that is the engine that best emulates photoshops main brush engine. A good example of this.. Im a big fan of photoshops charcoal brush the one that's shaped like an angled rectangle with texture. I ported the abr of this brush over to Krita and was able to replicate the experience I had using this brush in photoshop. Upon further investigating the pixel brush. I found that I could actually make this brush tip in krita as well natively. By adjusting density exc. on the standard brush tip it reproduced a very similar brush. Ive played with several other art programs over the years and non where satisfactory at recreating this particular brush. But reading and reproducing the exact brush from photoshop won't produce direct results without learning to tweak the brushes in krita to get them to behave similar to photoshops.. Adobe keeps their file a mystery and just the fact that krita can read the mask is good enough for me. The rest can be done manually.
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Re: Photoshop brushes

Wed Apr 13, 2016 5:56 am
Hello Double Dee

As Billy W. said you can import the brush tip and re create the brush in krita by adjusting the parameter, the parameters such as spacing size flow opacity etc, are preset and i must there are many other parameters as well which are not found in photoshop,

What i did to port by ABRrs to krita i extracted all the brush tips from the abr to png by using ABRviewer i did this because i wanted to port selected few as i can create other simple ones natively in krita like Billy said.

once you get the brush tip in png format you can add those in the brushes folder inside krita's resource folder, so next time you load krita you'll get them in predefined brush tip section. off-course you can import an abr directly in krita but i prefer choosing which tip to import to keep the unwanted tips away.

As for .tpl it is impossible to load it anywhere other than photoshop, I even tried gimp, the problem here is .tpl are just not for storing brushes but they are also for other tools as well and the format is really a mystery like others said. I read on some forum that renaming a .tpl to .abr can work , but it didn't for me . So if you have your brushes made in .tpl format you are better recreating them.


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